Character Q&A

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What's up, readers? It's Samantha, and I'm going to be asking everyone some questions. I'm choosing not to answer because you don't deserve to know. If you hassle me about it, I will burn your face off.

What is your greatest fear?
Kieran: Ladybugs. Don't laugh. Those things are monsters.
Sabrina: Being lost.
Aubrey: Being alone.
Kit: Spiders.
Devin: Losing my family.
Natalia: Being betrayed.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Kieran: Everything.
Sabrina: I'm too trusting and I always feel like I make the wrong decisions.
Aubrey: That I'm not honest.
Kit: I hate that I'm not able to keep the friends I make. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Devin: Nothing. I'm perfect. Just kidding. I hate that I always use humor to cover up what I'm really feeling.
Natalia: None of your business.

What is your current state of mind?
Kieran: Dying inside, but what's new?
Sabrina: I'm okay.
Aubrey: I guess I'm doing good. I feel a little guilty for lying to Sabrina.
Kit: Craving nachos.
Devin: Annoyed.
Natalia: I feel pissed off but I don't know why.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Kieran: Forgiveness.
Sabrina: Prudence.
Aubrey: Hope.
Kit: Humility is temperance.
Devin: Modesty or moderation.
Natalia: Patience, charity, compassion, generosity, sincerity, gratitude. This list goes on and on.

On what occasion do you lie?
Kieran: I try not to, but sometimes there's no way around it.
Sabrina: When it has to be done.
Aubrey: To spare people's feelings.
Kit: To keep people safe.
Devin: When it's necessary.
Natalia: When you need to trick someone.

Which living person do you most despise?
Kieran: Samantha.
Sabrina: Natalia Mendoza.
Aubrey: I don't know if I hate anyone.
Kit: I don't know.
Devin: Natalia Mendoza.
Natalia: I have too many people to list.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Kieran: I don't know.
Sabrina: Oh well.
Aubrey: Um or maybe.
Kit: Bitchwad.
Devin: I don't care.
Natalia: Are you serious?

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Kieran: I don't know yet.
Sabrina: I really, really love cats.
Aubrey: It depends on what you mean, and it's hard to decide.
Kit: My friends.
Devin: I love my family and I love Kit.
Natalia: Devin, I think.

If you were to die and come back as an animal, what would it be?
Kieran: A border collie.
Sabrina: An orange tabby.
Aubrey: A Pomeranian.
Kit: A wolf.
Devin: A firefly. I guess that's an insect. Does that count? If I had to choose something else, probably a German Sheppard.
Natalia: A Siamese cat.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Kieran: Being betrayed.
Sabrina: Losing someone.
Aubrey: Being abandoned.
Kit: Being alone.
Devin: Grief.
Natalia: Losing everything.

What is your most marked characteristic? I'll answer this one question only. My temper. Screw everybody else's answers.

What do you most value in your friends?
Kieran: Integrity.
Sabrina: Connection.
Aubrey: Tolerance.
Kit: Acceptance.
Devin: Compassion.
Natalia: Loyalty.

Who is your favorite fictional superhero?
Kieran: The Flash.
Sabrina: Batman or the Flash.
Aubrey: I know she doesn't count, but Catwoman. If I had to pick a hero, Iron Man.
Kit: Captain America.
Devin: I don't like heroes. Duh.
Natalia: I don't care for stuff like that.

Who are your heroes in real life?
Kieran: Sabrina.
Sabrina: My family.
Aubrey: My father.
Kit: Head Rush and Blue Blur.
Devin: Kit's pretty awesome. I know he's a villain and all, but he's saved me on multiple occasions.
Natalia: Myself. Does that count?

What is the one thing you dislike the most?
Kieran: Liars.
Sabrina: Being confused.
Aubrey: Sardines.
Kit: Ignorance.
Devin: Being ignored.
Natalia: Anybody who opposes me.

What is your greatest regret?
Kieran: Caring. I lost my mom, my friend, and my girlfriend. If I never cared, they wouldn't have hurt me.
Sabrina: I have a lot of them. I don't know where to start.
Aubrey: Not telling Sabrina that I'm Aphrodite. If she knew from the start, it would hurt less than it will when I tell her.
Kit: Lying to Kieran. Losing Sabrina.
Devin: I don't have any.
Natalia: Trusting Katherine.

How would you like to die?
Kieran: I wouldn't?
Sabrina: Drowning.
Aubrey: What? Um...Quickly and painlessly?
Kit: I refuse to answer this. You know what? Who's asking these questions? Why am I here?
Devin: By Kit's side. Maybe in a shipwreck.
Natalia: None of your business.

What is your motto?
Kieran: Honesty is the best policy.
Sabrina: I don't think I have one. I like Kit's. Even with the best intentions, there are no heroes. They can always end up being the villain in the end.
Aubrey: Forgive and forget.
Devin: Live everyday like it's your last.
Natalia: Trust nobody.

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