Chapter Sixteen

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*Natalia Mendoza*

I glanced out the window as people passed by, walking into the Flynn mansion. I turned over to Mark. "Blue Blur called him Kieran?"

Mark nodded. "Night was retreating. I only heard her call him by his first name. Samantha started harassing me after that. She was suspicious ."

I rolled my eyes. How could an ex employee be so annoying?

"Dark Skies will be going after you soon. They want to strike before you do, even if it means temporarily aligning with Night."

I checked my makeup in the mirror as I said, "There won't be a Night after tonight. Do you remember the plan?"

Mark sounded offended. "Of course. I go to Green Light's house and tell her the twins gave us her name. I'll threaten to expose her identity if she doesn't leave Iron Beach. If she doesn't agree, kill her. When I'm done, I'll come pick you up from the party."

I stepped out of the car. The night was warm, which was unusual for Iron Beach, even in the summer. I could hear the music as I started to walk up the stairs to the mansion.

My eyes landed on Robert when I went into one of the main party rooms. The frail old man looked nothing like he had a few years ago. He had glasses now, and a cane. His hair was turning white with gray patches in it, while his eyes were tired and his face was wrinkling.

"Mr. Flynn!" I greeted with a wide smile as I approached the host. I had to lean down to kiss his cheek.

"Natalia, it's a pleasure to have you here. Please, call me Robert." He chuckled. "You're making me feel old. Is Katherine accompanying you? I heard her family is looking for her. She's gone missing. I thought you knew where she might be."

I narrowed my eyes before shaking my head. "I haven't heard from her. How is Terrance's investigation going?"

Robert shrugged. "Lilith or Sabrina would know more than me."

Not wanting to ever have to approach Sabrina's mother, I searched for her in the crowd instead. She was watching me with cautious eyes, looking ready to pounce. I excused myself and made my way over to her.

"Sabrina," I said, dipping my head. "I haven't seen you in a few years. You've gotten taller."

Sabrina tried to smile, but she couldn't fully hide the hate in her eyes. "Maybe it's because you aren't wearing heels, for once."

I smiled wryly. "I heard you have a guest staying here. Is he your boyfriend?"

Sabrina looked caught off guard. She started to shake her head when another blonde stepped in front of her, holding out his hand. I paused before shaking it.

"I'm Kieran," he greeted, his face full of indifference. "We aren't a couple."

My eyes darkened, all the dots connecting. How had nobody noticed yet? Sabrina moved away for a year, just before supers developed their powers. Blue Blur showed up a little while after Sabrina returned, and Head Rush made an appearance just as Kieran moved in.

There was also the fact red and blue made purple, which both were wearing, but that was just reaching too far.

"How's the drug trade going for you?" Sabrina asked.

My eyes widened. I gave a little huff of laughter. "Well, thanks. Better than some other areas I specialize in."

The girl had guts. Nobody had ever confronted me like that.

Kieran grabbed Sabrina's arm, pulling her closer to him. "You'll have to excuse us. We're going to go get something to drink."

I took a deep breath as they walked away, having no doubt in my mind that they were Blue Blur and Head Rush. I almost couldn't believe my luck.

Someone bumped into me. I shot a glare at the offender, then recognized Kate Harris. I had never met her personally, but she looked so much like Katherine it startled me.

"Excuse me," Kate said as politely as she could. She glanced behind me. "I think Devin is looking for you."

My heart skipped a beat, and I hated myself for it. I turned to see Devin as he approached. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Hello, Natalia. It's been a little over a year, right? It's a pleasure to get to see you again."

I smiled genuinely. Devin never spit my name out like it was an insult like everyone else did. "Hey, Devin. Have you heard from Katherine? I'm worried about her."

Devin smiled like he knew something I didn't. "She probably took another vacation to Panama. I'm surprised she didn't tell you. You're more like family to her than me."

We started to make our way to the middle of the room, where couples were dancing the waltz. Classical music flooded out of the room.

"Care to dance?" I asked in a teasing tone. Wordlessly, we made our way to the middle of the room and joined in.

Devin had always been a bit of a flirt, but he seemed different now, more romantic, and it pulled me in even more.

Devin's grip tightened around my waist. "Do you ever think about last year?"

All the time is what I wanted to say, but instead I responded, "Sometimes. Our little affair was fun."

"You aren't hung up on me, are you?" Devin teased.

"Of course not," I said.

Devin nodded, but I could tell he knew I was lying.

My phone buzzed in my purse. I pulled away, trying not to disturb the other dancers. Devin stared after me as I made my way into the hall.

"Is it done?" I asked after accepting the call.

"She's already leaving," Mark replied. "Would you like for me to come pick you up?"

I hesitated. "Not yet. I have something to do first."

I was about to search for Devin again when I spotted Samantha and one of Sabrina's friends together. Aubrey, I think her name was. Even an idiot could see there was something going on between the two of them.

I smiled humorlessly. Sabrina's friend was with her enemy. "How cute."

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