Pull the trigger

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4 guys came and took Dave into a van, Aidan and I took his car and followed them.

I was biting my nails and fidgeting so much.

What if he wakes up
What if he hurts them
It will be my fault

"You shouldn't do that" Aidan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts

"Huh?" I looked to him

"You shouldn't bite your nails, it's bad" he smiled

"I now... it's just, what if he wakes up and hurts the boys" I looked ahead to the van

"They'll be fine. It will be okay munchkin" he grabbed my hand in reassurance.

When we got to the warehouse also known as the 'fight rink' Dave was already tied to a chair, still unconscious.

The four boys were standing there in front of him with there own weapon.

Sam-black hair green eyes and quite buff
Weapon choice- baseball bat

Hunter-light brown hair brown eyes and also buff
Weapon choice- a handgun

Carter-brown hair blue eyes and a great jawline
Weapon choice-spear point pocket knife

Logan-blonde hair brown eyes and had a great smile
Weapon choice-his fist

Carter walked over to Dave and slapped his face to wake him up, it worked, as soon as he came conscious our eyes met instantly it sent shivers down my body.

"Alice what did I say about the boys... you whore" Dave smiled

"Shut the fuck up" Logan stormed over to him and punched him in the nose

"Look Dave... I fucking hate you, you cause my life a living hell AND you find it so amusing, you cunt." I took a breath a smiled "so it's my turn to have the fun" I walked to Carter and grabbed his knife.

I stabbed it into Dave's leg cause him to scream in pain "ahhh music to my ears" I twisted the knife sending a louder scream from him.

"Bro she's crazy.. I love it" I heard Sam whisper to Aidan I smiled at that thought.

"You crazy bitch" Dave spat through his teeth.

I winked "you know it" I turned around "finish him for me?"

The boys just smiled and Sam, Carter and Logan all started on him with the weapons and after he was pretty much dead hunter pointed the gun at Dave's head and looked at me.

"Pull the trigger" I blankly said

Blood went everywhere. But it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, it wasn't the first dead body I've seen, someone got into a fight in Juvie and killed the other person.

And then... Dixie walked in

"What the fuck, who's that!" She yelled

"My uncle" I chuckled

I ended up telling her everything while the boys cleaned up. When I say I told her everything I mean everything, from how I got to juvie, to Cameron and Blake, and my dad and now my uncle.

"Holy shit girly, I'm so sorry, you've been through so much" she hugged me.


"What?" she questioned looking concerned.

I took of my hoodie and revealed my waist, spine and neck, considering she already saw my face. I looked over and saw the boys looking at me.

"Brooo I'm glad he's dead" we high-fived


Dixie came back to mine for the night which was cool because I've never really had a 'girlfriend'.

We were taking to each other and I found out that we're not that different. We both don't have a mom or dad, we both get in trouble with the cops but I went to juvie and she didn't.

"Okay let's play truth of dare" Dixie said walking back with popcorn

"Noo that's such a stupid game" I laughed

"No c'mon" she smiled

I rolled my eyes "fine"

Falling for the bad girl✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora