"An ugly scary freakish monster... that's what you called yourself right? Yes your scar is ugly. You can't accept that?"

There was a moment of silence and Yukino started choking on her tears. She swallowed it down and tried to speak but couldn't find her voice.

"But that doesn't mean you are ugly...." Continued Sherlene.

Yukino looked directly at her face. It was still expressionless and cold but there was something about the way this woman spoke.

She means every word of it....

"What matters more to you- being a pretty face or being a good person? That scar is a sign of your power. Don't look down so arrogantly on the things you have which others don't."

"But- people don't care about the.. person...."

"Then that's their problem."

Yukino blinked back her tears and looked at her again. For the first time Yukino was meeting the gaze of someone who was staring right at her face.

"Listen here darling... People won't be staring at you because you are pretty but you can't blame them either. Blame yourself for not getting over it. If you were in their position even you would look. Sometimes trying to avoid looking at something will only make you stare at it harder next time."

There was again silence as Sherlene paused to smoke for a bit.

Yukino was not feeling sad now. She was actually more angry.

"You... you are a mean woman aren't you?"

Sherlene gave her a dazzling smile.

"Well you are quite slow to figure that out..."

"You... you are Wicked!!! A really cruel and wicked person!! You just want to have fun at my cost and make me cry!"

"One of my specialities...."

"Well I won't cry!! You don't know anything about me!!"

"Well I know about your face..."

"To hell with that! If you think that's all there is to me then you are wrong!! If that were the case, then you are just a pretty two-faced liar!"

Sherlene didn't reply. She continued to grin at this outburst as if it were still childish.

Yukino was feeling really upset now.

"What's wrong with you?! Don't you care what people say to you?!"

"Nope! My face and my character are mine. Your opinions are yours. They don't need to meet."

Yukino paused. She was breathing hard now with the exertion of having shouted so loudly even as she was swallowing back her tears. She sat down again at the edge of the fountain.

Yukino knew that if she shouted anymore she would start crying. Because no matter what she said this woman seemed to see through it all. And she was getting tired trying to make her stop. She didn't know what to do then- Run or keep fighting her.

Yukino was saved at that moment from making that decision by the sound of more footsteps.

She saw Irisu headed that way along with the little girl from the dining table.

"There you are Yukino!" Said Irisu running towards her.

Sherlene had already turned away. She was walking back to the other side of the fountain. Irisu gave her a steely stare before approaching Yukino. She then nudged Lucia forward.

"I don't want to...." Said Lucia in a scared voice
"Bad Lucia." Said Irisu in a gentle but firm voice as she pushed her forward.

There was a moment of silence as Yukino and Lucia looked at each other.

"I'm sorry One-Chan!!" Wailed Lucia running towards Yukino.

Yukino was caught off guard by the hug that followed.

"I didn't mean it!! I didn't know! Lucia is stupid sometimes!! I'm sorry! Please don't be sad!!"

Yukino didn't know what to say. Lucia caught her hands and continued earnestly.

"I won't do it again! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! Please accept my sorry!!"

Yukino's heart melted slightly.

She's just a kid... why did I think she did it on purpose....

With a sigh she leaned forward and patted Lucia's head.

"It's alright... I was angry and upset before... but now I feel better."

"Will you smile then One-Chan?!" Said Lucia as she climbed onto Yukino's lap.

Yukino was surprised by this but she let the girl sit there.

"What do you mean... Lucia?"
"You still look sad. Will you please smile?"

Yukino looked at the girl's earnest expression for a second.

"I don't really feel like it but...."

Yukino smiled down at her.

"... since you asked so nicely..."


Lucia hugged her tightly and Yukino hugged her back. It helped to releive the tension built up in her over the last few minutes.

"You look pretty when you smile One-Chan!"

Yukino looked at the girl in surprise. Lucia smiled back happily at her.

Then it's their problem....

For some reason Sherlene's words came back to her mind. Irisu then came forward.

"I'm sorry for what happened. Do you want any dinner?"

"Um... no... I'm actually tired and I would like to sleep."

"Ok then. Come along Lucia! Bedtime!"

"Ok!"Shouted the girl happily as she slid down from Yukino's lap.

Before Lucia followed Irisu, she beckoned Yukino closer and whispered onto her ear.

"Thank you! Aunty Irisu said if I didn't set things right there would be 'conny sequins' ."

"What.... Oh! Consequences you mean!"

Lucia nodded seriously.

"Yes. Conny sequins. It sounds dangerous anyways. Let's be friends Yukino One-Chan!"

Yukino smiled back and patted the girl.

Lucia then ran after Irisu.

Yukino sat for a moment thinking of all that had happened that day. She had felt so alone at first but now there were so many people around her. People who didn't know her. And so people who would take time to understand her. It was as simple as that.

I'm so silly sometimes....

She sudddenly heard Mikino calling out her name. Standing up and giving one final look at Sherlene who was still smoking away silently, Yukino turned and ran towards her siblings.

The New Arcana Famiglia  [A La Storia Della Arcana Famiglia fanfiction]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant