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I woke up before Faith so I went to go make breakfast. I grabbed the pancake mix box and some eggs out of the fridge. I mix up the pancake batter and make a stack of pancakes. Luckily I didn't burn them all. I then started to scramble the eggs. I wasn't so lucky with that and had to remake them a couple of times; there is a reason that I don't usually cook. I put it all on a tray with some juice and coffee made the way she liked it and headed up the stairs. Once I got into the room, I set the tray on her nightstand and sit down beside her. I start to kiss her exposed shoulder and move my way up her neck and plant one last kiss below her ear.

"Come on baby it's time to wake up I have breakfast here for you." I whisper to her. I can see her smiling so I started kissing from below her ear and moved towards her lips. She started to respond back and wrapped her arms around my neck. She was still naked from last night and I just had a tank top and my boxer briefs on. I felt my cock starting to harden and pulled away from her.

"I made you breakfast and if this continues it's going to get cold." I tell her she turns her head to see the tray on the nightstand. She sits up with the sheet covering her chest and leans against the headboard. I move the tray onto her lap after I move her drinks onto the nightstand. I move to sit beside her and grab my plate from the tray and start eating. It's not as good as Faith's but it good for what I usually make.

"This is good baby."

"It's nothing like yours but at least it's edible." I laugh. After we finish breakfast she moves to go shower while I clean up this kitchen and dishes after she is done, I shower as well and we just relax for the day.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?"

"I'm just going to pick something up and bring it home."

"I can cook for us."

"I know but I want you to just relax today."

"Well the only problem with that is I need to go grocery shopping today."

"Okay we can go now then." With that said we head out to the store. I don't think I made shopping any easier on her than when Rebecca is with us, because I just grabbed stuff to snack on. If it wasn't for Faith, then I don't think I would really ever eat a solid meal in my house that I didn't buy from a restaurant.When we got home, we put all the groceries away and I went to call John. I knew he was working tonight and I wanted us to have the same meal that we had on our first date, but at home. I told him my plan and he said that it would be ready by six o'clock.

"Hey babe I'm going to go pick up our dinner." I told her when I got to the cheesecake factory, John came out and asked if tonight was the night.

"I think so I'm ready and I figured she would actually like it more at home then at the restaurant."

"Well text me when you get a chance. I know Jennifer will be ecstatic oh I almost forgot to tell you we just found out that Jennifer is pregnant I'm going to be a father." He tells me with a wide smile on his face. I know that they had been trying to get pregnant for the year and a half so I was happy for them.

"Congratulations man I guess I'm losing a dancer then." I laugh out. "If you guys need anything, let me know."

"Thanks I'm sure Jennifer will want to talk to you and see about her job options well good luck tonight. I have to get back to work." He tells me after he hugs me.When I get home, I don't see Jennifer anywhere I sneak into the kitchen to get the plates and set up the dining room with some candles and our dinner I go look for Faith and find her in our room lying on the bed I lean against the door and just stare at her for a minute she looks like an angel with her blond hair fanned out behind her.

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