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I got up the next day at around noon. I decide that it would be a good idea to actually clean the house instead of just the main rooms. That doesn't take too long to do so I decide to go to the store and get food for the house. I also text Faith to see what I needed to pick up for dinner. When I pull into the driveway, I see that Faith's car is already in the driveway. I park the car and grab all the groceries and head inside. Once I'm in the kitchen I set the groceries down and call out for Faith. I can't hear them in the house and no one answers me. I start to put the groceries away when I look out the window and see the girls in the backyard. I finish what I was doing and then head out to the backyard.Neither of them had noticed me so I walk up to Faith and wrap my arms around her waist from behind. Faith jumps a little and I chuckle as I place a small kiss on her neck. She relaxes into my hold as we watch Rebecca play on her swing set.

"How did you sleep last night?" I ask Faith

"Okay better than I have been but something is still missing." She tells me as she turns her head to look at me. I lean down and capture her lips in a kiss. We continue to kiss until we hear a little squeal. I look up in time to see Rebecca running towards us screaming mama over and over again.I release my hold on Faith and squat down to catch her running form in my arms. Tears spring to my eyes as I tighten my hold on her.

"I missed you sooooo much baby girl." I whisper to her.

"Please don't leave me again I missed you." Rebecca says.

"I won't baby girl, never again." I tell her as I look up at Faith. I see she has tears running down her face.

"I'm going to go start dinner." I hear Faith say before she heads into the house. Eventually Rebecca releases her hold on me and drags me over to the swing set to play with her. We play and talk until Faith calls to us that dinner is ready.When we walk inside, I follow Faith to the dining room where I see the table is set. Rebecca refuses to release her hold on me so she sits in my lap while we all eat dinner. Conversation is kept light and I enjoy the first home cooked meal that I've had in a while. Faith had made my favorite meal steak, mac and cheese, and corn.Once dinner is done I offer to do the dishes but Faith refuses to let me, but I stay in the kitchen with her which means Rebecca is there too. We keep talking, going over what we have been doing while we've been apart.When dishes are done we move to the living room and sit down to watch some movies. We watched Rebecca's favorite movies and she fell asleep around nine. Faith and I decide to stop the current movie and put in the new Thor movie.

"I'm going to take her upstairs while you put the movie in ok?"

"That's fine."I pick up Rebecca from the couch and carry her upstairs. I go to her room and place her on her bed and grab some pajamas to change her in to. While I was changing her she woke up and blinked up at me.

"Mama can I stay here with you?" Rebecca asks me.

"We will have to see sweetheart it's up to your mom though for now go back to sleep ok?"

"Okay." She says sleepily.Once she is changed and tucked in, I kiss her forehead and just look at her for a minute. It hits me then how much I really missed having her around constantly. I head back downstairs and see Faith sitting on the couch. I sit down beside her and she cuddles into my side. I sigh and wrap my arms tighter around her. By the time the movie finishes, Faith is asleep, which I figured would happen since this wasn't her type of movie. I'm now faced with a difficult decision, do I wake up Faith and have her leave or do I just carry her to the room and let her stay. My head is telling me to send her home because we need to work this out slowly, but my heart is telling me that she is home and she needs to stay.I decide to follow my heart and pick Faith up to take her upstairs to our room. Once I reach our room, I place Faith on our bed and start to pull her pants off. Once they are off I pull the covers over her. I pull my own jeans and shirt off before climbing into bed beside her. She immediately cuddles up to me and throws her arm around my waist.I can't fall asleep right away with everything running through my mind. A few minutes turn to a few hours and next thing I know Faith is stirring awake beside me.

"Hey, why are you awake?"

"I have to use the bathroom your children like to lay on my bladder at the same time at night." She says as she smiles at me. She gets up and walks to the bathroom. Once she comes out, she has a look of concern on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask immediately.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep I know you wanted to take this on a day by day basis and here I am sleeping over already on the first day."

"Babe, if I wanted you to leave I would have woken you up, but I didn't want you to leave. I don't care anymore about going day by day. I want my girls home. Rebecca wants to come home and I'm sure you want to come home too. So tomorrow we will go to my parent's house and get your guys stuff." I tell her. I don't think I could go through too many more restless nights.

"Okay if you are sure about this then we will get our stuff and come home." She replies as she smiles at me. I open my arms for her and she crawls back into my arms. That night I got the best sleep I've had in about two months time.The next day we went over to my parent's house to collect the girls' things. My parents were ecstatic that we were able to work things out.The next week went by in no time at all. I had the investigator find out all the information he could about Marcus's home and work life. I met with him at the club again with Jack and got all the information. I told him that I would call him if I needed anything else. He was able to get me an actual copy of Marcus's contract with his job so I know when I send these pictures to his boss he will lose his job. I asked him to get me more pictures of him cheating on his wife with other women, which he did.I put two packages together, one for his boss with a letter, a copy of all the pictures, and I sent the copy of Marcus's contract with the moral clause highlighted. The other package had a copy of all the pictures and another letter and I addressed that to his wife. Both packages went out at the same time and I prepared myself to face whatever Mike would try to do.Trina was a bit easier to take care of. I called the police and reported an anonymous about the club selling drugs and prostitution. It took the police a couple of days but they busted the club quickly. Trina got arrested for prostitution and selling drugs since they somehow found a bunch of drugs in her locker so they arrested her on more than just prostitution. I figure we have maybe about a week before Marcus pops back up again.Faith and I have been doing really well. Rebecca is so happy to be back in her home and she is finally not following me around as much and is letting me out of her sight more often.I helped Faith give Rebecca a bath and put her to bed. Faith and I go downstairs and put in a movie and cuddle up together on the couch with me laying behind her with my arms wrapped around her stomach. It still amazes me with how much she is showing at twenty two weeks. As we are watching the movie, I suddenly feel something hit my hand. I jerk my hand back from Faith's stomach and stare in shock at her. She is looking up at me in confusion until she looks down and then back up at me with a smile. She grabs my hands again and places them on her stomach and looks at me again while we wait. A minute later I feel another hit against my hand and realization hits me that it's the babies kicking. A big smile spreads across my face. I lean down and kiss Faith. It was a big moment for me to feel them kick for the first time.


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