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We went out with all of our friends including Eric on Saturday night. We ended up at a club in Port Angeles and danced all night and drank. We had each rented a hotel room since the parents said that they would watch the kids for the night. We had drove to the hotel and dropped our overnight bags off and got ready. Eric decided that he would drive us all to club in my Expedition since he had to work the next day and didn't want to have a hangover.Once we got to the club, we went straight to the bar. It had been a while since I had been able to just let loose and drink and from the looks of it, same could be said for Faith. We found a booth along the wall of the dark club and kept the drinks flowing. After my third shot, Faith dragged me out to the dance floor. Now, normally I can't dance to save my life, but when you have a girl like Faith dancing with you and grinding on you, you tend to forget a fact like that.By the time we left the club, we were both wasted and all over each other. Once we got to our room we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. It had been a little over a week since the last time we had sex and I was impatient. I ripped her shirt and bra off in my rush and started sucking on her nipple and slid my hand up her skirt, pushed her thong to the side and slid two of my fingers inside her as soon as the door was shut. I was too worked up for this to go slow.

"Pants…off…now." She was a moaning mess leaning against the door but she managed to pant it out. As soon as the words left her lips I started to undo my pants with one hand while the other continued to pump in and out of her. I guess she was impatient and I wasn't moving fast enough for her because she was shoving my jeans and boxers down as quickly as she could. As soon my cock sprang free. She gripped me in her hands and started stroking me. I pulled my fingers out of her, gripped her ass and picked her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist.Faith lined my dick up with her pussy and I slammed myself inside of her and I started thrusting in and out of her quickly. Faith was thrusting her hips in time with me and I knew she was close and so was I.

"Faith…baby…cum…for me…please." I plead as I start rubbing her clit. I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to hold back. I took her nipple back into my mouth and that seemed to do the trick. I could feel her walls constrict around me and let go.Once we calm down I walk us over to the bed and we crawl in to get comfortable. Soon we fall asleep and wake up to the phone ringing for our wake up call. We shower and get dressed to head back out to the real world.Today is Thanksgiving Day. Faith got up early this morning to help my mom prepare the food for today. Everyone was coming over, and when I say everyone I mean Vanessa and her family,Tim and his family, and Jack. My parents had met Jack before so they were already prepared for his appetite but then it was decided that we were all going to spend the holiday together. All of our families get along great and are friends so they all decided why the hell not I guess.When I open my eyes I see Rebecca cuddled up to my side. I close my eyes again when I see a flash and look towards the door. I see Faith standing there smiling at us with her phone in her hand.

"It's about time you woke up." She says as she walks over to me.

"What time is it?" I ask her. I can smell the turkey in the oven.

"It's 12:30 you need to get up and get dressed."

"Why is Rebecca asleep still?"

"She got up with me and your mom and was tired so I put her in here for her nap I guess she finds you just as comfortable as I do." Faith tells me as she leans down to give me a kiss.

"Alright I'm going to go jump in the shower then what time is everyone getting here?"

"In about an hour or so you know Vanessa, she's on her own time schedule." She laughs as she starts to wake Rebecca up.

"Mmmm, something smells good." I say as I go into the kitchen.

"No, you out you know better than to be in here unless you are helping and we both know that you will eat more than help." My mother says as she laughs and pushes me out of the kitchen. I go into the living room and sit to watch the game with my dad.At around two, everyone started to show up. The women went into the kitchen to help with whatever was left to make and drop off the food they brought and the guys and myself were watching the game. Once the food was ready and at the huge ass table we got, we all sat down. My dad said grace and we all started to dig in. I help Faith get Rebecca's plate ready and as I watch the two of them together. I realize that I want to marry this girl. At this thought I realize what I'm going to do. After dinner is done, all of us that didn't cook cleaned up for the girls. Once everything is cleaned we all go sit in the living room together and just relax and talk. It was nice to see everyone since I haven't Vanessa and Tim's families in a while either. We all decide that for Christmas, all the parental units are going to fly down to see us since we will have the warmer weather and it's easier for them to fly to see us. I pull Tim and Vanessa outside so I can talk to them about Christmas.

"So I want to ask Faith to marry me and I'm thinking about doing it this Christmas, I just don't know how to go about it." I tell them. We sit outside for a while so we can come up with a good plan and then go back inside. Once inside we say goodbye to everyone since Kate, Edward, Tim's Aunt Charlotte, Vanessa, Vanessa's mom and Rosalie are going black Friday shopping in the morning. While the girls are shopping my dad and I are going to hang the Christmas lights outside.Three in the morning comes really fast when you are in a really good sleep. I hear Rosalie's alarm go off and so does Rebecca. As Faith is getting ready, I put Rebecca in bed with me and then fall back to sleep when Faith leaves. Rebecca wakes me up at eight o'clock so I know it's time to get up and moving. I get her dressed first and then myself. I see that my dad had pulled all the decorations out already so we can start right away. I feed Rebecca and myself and then we set to untangling the lights first.

"So why did you guys run outside last night?" My dad asks me.

"I wanted to get their opinion on something Dad, how did you know you were ready to marry Mom?"

"I just did I looked at her one day and just realized that she was my world and I wanted to make her mine in every way possible are you thinking about asking Faith to marry you?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about proposing on Christmas I just can't picture myself with anyone else she is it for me Dad." I tell him with a big smile.

"Well then I have something for you." He says. He doesn't say any more, so I let it go and we continue to hang up the lights. After all the lights are hung up and the girls are home, we carry all their bags inside. Most of them are my mom's. Faith said that a lot of what she bought she had shipped home so we didn't have to worry about it. It's nice seeing her use the card I gave her for what it was supposed to be used for. The girls take Rebecca into the kitchen to make a late lunch while my dad and I go upstairs and into their room.

"Here, Grandma Williams left this for you she figured that you might want to give it to whomever you fall for." He said as he hands me an engagement ring. The ring is beautiful. It has a platinum band with a sapphire stone with diamond in the band. It was perfect for Faith.

"Dad, it's perfect I can't wait to see the ring on her finger." I tell him smiling.

"I think you have found your one sweetheart, just don't let her get away." He tells me as he hugs me.

"I don't plan to." I say as I hug him back.

"Okay, let's get back downstairs before they get suspicious."After we eat lunch, we all gather in the living room to put up the Christmas tree. Usually we do this on Thanksgiving Day but the girls had to be up early to shop so Faith we decided to wait until today. It was nice telling  and Rebecca the stories behind the different ornaments. My parents stuck with tradition and got everyone a new ornament, including Faith and Rebecca, for the tree.Soon enough, it was time to go back home. It was with a teary goodbye and promises to see each other soon that we left. Even Faith was tearing up when we left. I'm just glad that my parents approve and now it's time to start planning the marriage proposal.Once we land and get our luggage we head home. As soon as we pull up, I unload the car of the suitcases and head to the vet's office to pick up Sophie. Once that is done, we all eat lunch and then head to bed to nap.When I wake up again, it's dinner time and I realize that I'm alone in bed. I take this opportunity to call Angela and see if she could meet me one afternoon this week for lunch. I wanted to talk to her about proposing to her sister. I know I can't ask her dad but I will ask her sister. After the lunch is set up for Thursday, I head downstairs to check on my girls.

"Hey babe, what's for dinner tonight?"

"I'm just going to order pizza, is that alright?"

"Yeah, that sounds good to me."

"When are you opening the club back up?

"Probably Friday I mean it's already Tuesday so I think reopening for the weekend will be good. I just have to go in Thursday afternoon to double check everything." I tell her after dinner, we get Rebecca bathed and into bed at her bedtime. Once that is taken care of, Faith and I watch some TV, but are soon headed to bed ourselves. After Faith falls asleep, I stay awake, trying to plan what I'm going to say to Angela on Thursday.

AN://What did you guys think are they moving to fast to slow what. I'M OUT (For Now)

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