Queen. Chapter 6.

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Mikasa and Levi was looking at there giggling daughter who was laying in the pram and trying to catch mikasa finger. They had there normal cold and non emotion faces on so no one could tell the baby was important to them but inside they were smiling. "mikasa and Levi the most scary and strongest soldiers I love so much .. I missed my protectors" christa giggled as she hugged them both nearly making them fall on the pram but parent mode kicked in and they steady themselves. "hey christa, you seem cheerful" Marco said with a sweet smiled. "how can I not, after months of work I finally get to see you guys and go outside the castle" christa giggles and hugs Marco. "oh and jean as handsome as ever, I better start scarring all the women in town away but then I guess I'm still no match for mikasa" Christa giggled as she kissed jean cheek making him blush. "I dont go after mar, mostly scary ladies who could kill me with one look" jean said with a grin and everyone let a breath out after he cover over him nearly saying married.

"so what being queen like, still as cool as last time" eren asked with a grin. "well it can be fun and it can be boring but when I think how hard you guys are fighting, it gives me strength to try and help our home from inside" christa said with a smile. "you still need a smart and cute king" Armin smiled as he wanted to read the rare castle books. "Armin you can come over and read the books whenever you want so stop trying to see if I can marry you so you can just read the books" Christa laughed and hugged Armin and eren. "what the food like, as good as we dreamed" Sasha asked with a huge smile. "its the same since last time you asked, you do know I been queen for four years now" christa said with worry as she hugged Sasha and Connie. "a lot can happen since we last met, just look we got even more newbies" Connie smiled. "we all met five months ago so I could see mika .. wait newbies what happened to the ones five months ago you told me about" Christa said shocked but stopped when she notice the frowns, they must have died like all the other newbies they tell her about. 

"its nice to meet you, what your name soldiers and unit" Christa asked with a smile. "soldier Kieran, I'm in captain mikasa unit" Kieran saluted with fear. "soldier polly, I'm captain mikasa unit" polly saluted with fear. "soldier graham, I'm in captain Levi unit" graham saluted in fear. "you guys didnt say anything mean bout me to them again" christa said with worry and everyone shook there heads. "farlan are they telling the truth" Christa pouted as she hugged captain farlan and captain hanji. "they didnt say nothing, they just scared of you by themselves" Farlan smiled and everyone was enjoying the newbies was scared of cute small christa by themselves.

 "got last time I met newbies was when mikasa just became a captain and got her first team made from Armin, jean, a kind man called ken and a funny guy called hide. You guys pranked them by saying mean stuff and it took a whole week before they came close to me or even talked to me ... but those two were funny and kind to hang with" Christa smiled and jean, Armin and mikasa frowned a little since they were no longer with them.

"oh sorry I guess its still hard on you all, did hide or ken find out what there wives was having" Christa asked with a small sad smile since they died a long time ago, they were apart of mikasa first unit when she became a captain. "hide had triplets, a girl and two boys, he was given a medal and his wife was paid half a bag of coins to help with living" Armin said with a smile. "ken wife had twin girls and he already had a son who was a year old when she gave birth, ken was also given a medal and his wife was give half a bag of coins to help with living" Jean said with a smile. "I'm glad, they were so excited for the babies .. anyway I wish you all luck newbies" christa smiled hoping to move on and Levi held mikasa hand since he knew it was still hard on her losing those two how she did, but he soon leg go when christa turned to them. 

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