A Kiss. Chapter 2.

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"bingo" Connie said with a smirk as they saw a small campfire with only two tents around it and  the missing soldiers tied to a tree. "what idiots, everyone knows that not how you build a good fire, that burn out quick and they all freeze to death" Sasha said with worry and everyone turned to her like an idiot. "why dont we worry about the kidnap soldiers first and after we captured the enemy you can tell them fire safety" Jean said a little annoyed. "i only see four of them so you newbies stay here with our horses and let the rest of us go capture them" Mikasa ordered and nearly everyone nodded. "but i only see three enemies and the two mission soldiers captain" polly said with a little aptitude to mikasa. "well i guess you missed the guy in the tree who sleeping right now but hey newbies soldiers know best .. just dont get the rest of us killed you brat" Levi snapped at her and everyone agreed with him. "just stay here and look after the horses for us, this is your first mission so we understand but dont forget everything outside these walls are different then training books" eren said with aptitude and the group started walking towards the small camp. "just call if you see any other enemies coming or if you need help but try not to blow our cover if we not reached the camp yet .. be careful" Armin said with a sweet smile before going to catch up with the rest.

"well done now we look like jerks and stupid" Kieran hissed. "yeah you blew it for all threes of us by trying to act all clever .. what did everyone older say to us when we joined forget what we learnt at camp because its nothing like hell here" graham said in a grumps and polly just madly crossed her arms. 


"stand down and no harm with come to you all" Levi said harshly and the three guys on the ground surrender. "captain the three are tied up well, they wont be running so easily" Sasha said with a smile and Levi nodded. "oh i stop looking up if i was you, no one coming to kill us" Eren said with a grin and the guy by his feet looked confused. "ok captain, let him down slowly" Connie yelled and mikasa lowered the knocked out tied up guard who was in the tree. "nice work" Armin smiled as they caught the guy and helped carry him to the horse with the other three following. 

"will it be ok leaving the prisoners alone on the cart, they might jump of" graham asked with worry. "that's why Armin will be sitting with them and they all tied to the carts handle so they cant jump, you three horses will be pulling the cart while we guard it" jean said back as he checked the prisoners was completely tied up and Armin was ok on the back. "but why aren't we guarding, I was in the top ten and my family are all from high class MPs, i shouldn't be given such a low job" polly said with anger and Kieran, graham both gave her evils since they didnt want to be drag down with her since they wanted to help in anyway they can. "i make you a deal, when you stop being a bitch who trying to kill everyone here and drag down your friends to your level i let you be second in command or even give you your own captain title but until then follow my orders or leave" Mikasa hissed with her normal cold eyes and face making polly shiver. "I'm sorry captain, please dont see us like her, we happy to fight and help out with hero's and we dont agree with her type of thinking" Kieran asked with worry. "dont worry we see as every soldier as there own and you two not tried to kill us with high blood thinking, we trust you as long as you trust in us" Levi said as the started to ride and the two new boys nodded with bright smiles. 

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