chapter 38

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Emma was sat at the anteroom, refusing to leave until Harry and Dylan are let free. She called Jen and Niall to let them know what was going on, and they promised to be there as soon as possible.

Jon was closed in his office with the diary, and one of the officers kept coming out and trying to persuade Emma to go home, though of course she ignored him staring out the window in silence, or getting up and walking back and forth, waiting for them to come out.

After about 15 minutes Jennifer came running into the station, making Emma jump to her feet. She had fire in her eyes, and Emma knew the officer behind the front desk should beware. Emma followed Jen, keeping a step behind, since she rather watch the show from the back, and not the front line.

Emma’s POV

“I demand to see Dylan,” Jen commends the officer.

“And who might you be?” The officer answers in a bored tone.

“Trouble, if I don’t get to see him,” Jen replies sharply, without losing stride.

“I’ll give you one minute to get out of the station before I get two police officers to kick your arse out of here,” The officer smirks.

Jennifer gives her one last glance before turning to me with a smile painted on her lips.

“Well you asked for it,” She shrugs to the officer, and then without any warnings turns right to the corridor and start shouting Dylan’s name.

I try my best to suppress the smile threatening to break onto my face, but with no use.

My dad’s door shoots open and I see his startled face scanning the premises for the source of the wreckage. Officers are running out of rooms to get hold of Jennifer, though once my dad notices us he stops them, telling them he has it covered and they should all get back to work.

“That was uncalled for,” Dad frowns down at Jen.

“So is that nitwit sod you put at the front desk,” Jennifer replies without blinking, and I stifle a giggle.

“Get in here- both of you,” Dad holds open the door to his office.

“You might want to get some more chairs,” I say when I catch Niall’s face at the corner of my eye.

Dad glances back and sighs.

“Very well, to the conference room then,” He beckons us to follow him.

“What the hell is going on Uncle Jon?” Niall inquires once him and Louis catch up to us.

“So I was right all along, all of you are in on this I see? Where are the other two? The coach’s daughter?” Dad questions.

“Loo,” Louis explains.

A few moments later Eleanor and Perrie join, and we all sit ourselves down around the big table, waiting for Dad to explain what is going on. I sit patiently, the whole time watching his right hand, which is holding on to Hope’s diary.

Harry’s POV

“Look lads, we can do this in a nice way, you two explain everything from the beginning or if you’d like we can call your attorneys,” The detective Chief Horan called down to talk to us said.

“I don’t understand why though? I mean we just spent the last two hours explaining everything to Mr. H,” I responded.

“We need it on camera,” He explained.

We started over again, telling this detective everything we said just hours ago. At some point I just started laughing, this whole thing seemed so ironic and unreal to me. Dylan glanced over at me and started laughing too. The detective seemed gobsmacked but I really didn’t give a fuck. I was tired, and I wondered if Emma was still here or if she went home, though knowing her she probably was still here grilling her dad on our whereabouts.

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