Chapter 3-

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It was Friday morning and Emma was at the kitchen table waiting for Niall to honk letting her know he is outside, since her dad was out of town for an orientation, and couldn't drive her into school.

The last few days were uneventful. She would hang out with Niall and his friends at school, and got homework done once she arrived home. Yesterday she had sat outside sketching again, when Hoover came back out, though Harry never followed. Instead Anne came out to talk to her for a bit.

Truth is Emma hasn't seen Harry at all these past few days, him not showing up for school. She knew Niall was glad, since it meant she spent less time with 'that Styles nitwit'.

Harry was busy finding out some things of his own being out of town and away. She had wondered about him some, the only other friendly face around. Well not that friendly but it was better than nothing.

Emma's POV

Niall's honk outside wakes me up from my daydream making me jump out of thoughts and hurry out.

"Good morning sunshine," He smiles from the driver seat, window down and his black ray- bans on his nose.

"Hi," I get into the seat by his side, pulling my own sunglasses off my head and on to my nose. It is quite a hot day for England weather at this time of the year. I take off my pink jumper, exposing my shoulders in a dark blue tank top.

"So your dad left this morning- did you get to see him?" Niall starts the car, driving down the road.

"He woke me up to say goodbye, but I was still half asleep," I was going to spend the next night by Niall's not wanting to sleep at home alone.

"Hay Ni- that’s Harry!" I point to the figure walking down the street. He has a wooly hate on even though it is hot outside, dark jeans and a white Tshirt with his sleeves rolled up.

"So?" Niall really doesn't like the idea of me befriending Harry, but after all he is my neighbor, and his mum is really nice.

"So stop- let's offer him a ride in- Harry!" I call out as we get closer to him. Now that he heard me, Niall had no choice but to stop.

"Get in, we'll give you a ride," I smile brightly.

Harry stands there for a moment, his dark shades hiding his green eyes from us. But then he smirks and climbs into the back seat.

I give Niall a hard look, giving him a slight shove to go with it, letting him know he needs to be nice.

"What up mate?" He throw to Harry.

"Good mate," He answers, putting his bag on his knees.

Harry's POV

I stared at her smiling face. I wondered if she ever offers fake smiles, the ones that don't reach the eyes, though I wouldn't know right now since her glasses covered those eyes of hers.

I glanced over at Niall he wasn't looking at me but straight at the road obviously he was reluctant about giving me a ride. I smiled and climbed into the back.

I didn't miss the shove she gave Niall that made him finally look up and knowledge me.

"Haven't seen you around these past few days," she turned to look at me.

"Keeping tabs I see," I raised a brow.

"Well.. we do share classes and we are neighbors," she answered not fazed by my comment.

I noticed the bare skin of her shoulders gleaming in the sunlight. I need to fucking hold my hands at my side so I don't reach out and touch her, though it would be such divine to see Niall's pissed look.

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