chapter 35

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The group glanced at each other not sure of what to do. On the one hand, it is the chief after all, and this is what they wanted all along, to sit down and tell him the truth, but on the other hand they weren't ready. It came to fast, much faster than what they thought it would, and now they were at a loss of words, not sure where to start, what to say and what to keep out.

Emma found Harry's eyes, which were cold and hard. She knew it would be so, since he didn't want them to have this meeting from the start, so he is now blaming them for this.

"Tell me what is going on," Jon demanded, looking from Emma to Harry to Dylan.

"There is nothing to tell," Harry leaned back on his chair, looking nonchalant, though his cold hard stare gave him away.

"You can start singing, or you can all come down to the station if it makes it easier," Jon answered with a smile.

Emma's POV

This is not happening! But it is, dad is here, and he knows we are keeping something from him.

"What use will it make? Harry did the time for a crime he did not commit, no one listened then, so why would you listen now?" Eleanor spoke up finally.

"You're coach Calder's daughter are you not?" Dad asks her.

"I am," She agrees, not breaking their stare.

"And your name?"

"Eleanor," She answers.

"Well Eleanor, Then I wasn't chief, but now I am," He replies.

"It is cute you think that, but it is different in reality," Harry says.

"How so?" Dad seems interested, and I hope only good will come out of this.

"Because, as you said, you are new here, and there are people more powerful then you in this town, which means that no matter how much you would like to help, there is little you can actually do," Harry answer's simply.

"Harry, I believe you didn't kill Hope," My dad says softly, and I hear the sharp take of breath around us. When I look up at my friends I see the wide eyes running from face to face, telling each other silently that this is our chance- someone that believes us, someone who can put an end to all this.

"How can you be so sure?" Harry questions, a smirk on his lips, and I can whack him one. What the hell does he think he is doing?! 

"Because, the moment you started going out with my daughter I had to find out all I could about you, knowing you have been locked up for two years. The case- the facts didn't add up to me, and I suspected things were covered up, I started asking around, and the more I did the more people around me asked me to let it be. What's done is done, but I can't let it go, not if it means the killer is still out there," Dad explains.

"Well, I told them two years ago, It was Tyler who pulled the trigger on my sister, and it is the same as I will say now," Harry replies stubbornly.

"I believe that, but there is more you aren't telling me" Dad watches Harry carefully. 

"There is nothing else, I am leaving," Harry gets to his feet.

"Who else was there Harry?" Dad calls after him. Harry freezes in his step, but recovers fast. "Hope was there, and then she was shot."

With that he storms into the house, and moments later I hear the front door slam.

"Well that went well," Dad smiles at my friends.

They all look down at their feet now, not sure what to say or do.

"Eleanor, you and Hope, you were close right?"

Keeping Hope (Harry styles fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant