chapter 27

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Harry parked the car outside his house. The whole way home Him and Emma were quiet, sulking and pouting at each other. Emma knew she was wrong to keep the messages from Harry, since they were in a relationship and she had to trust and share these kinds of things with him, but she was too hurt by Harry's shouting that she couldn't admit it to him.

When Harry killed the engine, Emma opened the door stepping out and slamming the door shut after her, making Harry cringe. It made her feel slightly better, and she started her way towards her house without another word to him.

"Emma," He called out after her. She stopped in her place, but didn't turn to look at him.

"I can't believe you are storming away without saying a word to me," He said  in an angry voice.

"Harry.. Believe me.. you don't want me talking to you right now," She hissed.

"You are fucking unbelievable!" He threw his hands in the air.

"When you are done being a prick of a boyfriend, and ready to talk to me without cursing and shouting let me know!" And with that Emma stormed up the stairs to her front porch and into her house.

Emma's POV

I can't believe I just cursed at Harry! He is so infuriating sometimes that I just can't stand it. I was going to tell him about the messages, he found out before I had the chance.

The house is empty and I fish out my phone to call my dad and see where he is. I have a few missed calls and messages.

The missed calls are from my dad, Dylan and Jennifer. I look at my messages before I decide if to call any of them back.

I know Dylan probably wanted to apologize again for telling Harry everything there and then, and Jennifer probably called because Dylan told her what happen.

I have a message from my dad telling me he had to go back to work and probably will only be back tomorrow morning, a message from Harry from before he found me in the school, and a message from a blocked number.

'Don't go tomorrow, stay away,'

I throw my phone in frustration, watching it land on the carpet. I guess that is a good thing since I cannot afford to by a new phone if it breaks. I go fetch me a glass of water to calm me down. I stand and sip from my glass while watching my mum's painting that is hanging between the two front windows.

It is a painting of the same beach that is up in Hope's room, though it isn't the same and isn't as nice. My mum painted it for me after she saw how sad I was when I found out she gave it away.

I sink into self pity when I notice movement outside. I move closer sure it is Harry feeling bad or coming to fight some more. When I can finally make out the figure at the window I freeze. It's not Harry, it doesn't seem like anyone I know! He is dressed in a black jumper, the hood pulled over his head. His eyes lock with mine for just a flick of a moment and then he is gone, moving swiftly back into the dark. I feel the colour drain from my face as I command my feet to move back so I can fetch my phone.

I am frantic trying to remember if I locked the front door, then remembering it locks by itself the moment it closes.

My fingers fumble with the phone and tremble while I try and call Harry.

"Please answer," I mumble over and over too scared to move from behind the couch.

"Are you calling to scream at me some more?" He answers with a taunt.

"Harry.." My voice is small and I can't stop it from cracking once I hear him on the other side.

"Emma?! What's wrong??"

Keeping Hope (Harry styles fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt