Chapter 42

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Dan and Phil came out of the train, they were at Manchester.

Phil: "So are you going now? You going leave me?"

Dan: "I don't want to, I want to stay. But I promise I'll be back for you, and only you."

Phil: "I want what is best for you and if law school is what you want, I'll let you go..."

Dan: "It isn't for me, I know YouTube is. But I don't want to see my mum be disappointed in me, even though we don't get along sometimes she is still my mum."

Phil: "But is it what you want?"

Dan: "I...I just...don't want it to be like before. Before when I chose YouTube over university my mum was so frustrated she wanted me to be a lawyer and I never got to give her what she wanted. I want to owe it up to her and if it means choosing to be a lawyer and giving up my happiness then I'll do so. I faded away from my family and I don't want the same thing to happen."

Phil: "If she was your mum she would want you to be happy, and I want you to be happy. I'm not saying to choose me over your family, but it's your life. I gave you happiness you needed and I promise I'll be here for you, just trust me."

Dan: "So I'm not going to law school? What if my mum finds out. I know my mum is driving me away from my past which means away from you. When she finds out I don't know what will happen, I can't risk losing you."

Phil: "You have to risk it for love. If we are strong then we will fight for it. So are you ready to take the leap?"

Dan: "Uh...I...just don't want to see each other suffer."

Phil lightly held Dan's hand. And they looked each other's eyes...Phil went closer to Dan and kissed him on his forehead. They touched noses and Dan giggled while Phil wiggled his nose to Dan's nose.

Phil: "You are so adorable, I love you."

Dan: "I love you even more Lion."

Dan received a text from his mum.

"Daniel are you there at Manchester, call me when you reach the school."

Dan showed his phone to Phil.

Dan: "What do I do now?"

Phil: "Choose to be happy."

Dan: "Then I choose you."

Dan smiled at Phil and went to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around his waist. Never did Dan think he will meet Phil again. Phil the person he was meant for, Phil the amazing, Phil...the person he loved.

Phil: "Let's stay at my mum's house...she actually misses you. She treated you like her son. Then we can go home. Our home..."

Dan: "Ok, let's be happy together."

Dan and Phil took a bus to Phil's mum's house.

Phil held Dan's hand while slowly walking to the house. Every step they took there was the sound of the crunching rocks under their feet.

Phil: "Are you ready?"

Dan nodded his head and knocked the door. There was a few seconds of silence until there came a voice from inside the house.

Kath: "Philip darling is that you?"

She opened the door with a big smile on her face and when the door opened her smile turned into tears. She put her arms around Dan and she could feel his heartbeat getting faster and faster.

Dan: "Uh...hello."

Kath: "You are alive Dan, it wasn't just Phil that missed you, I did too. When I heard you were hospital I was really sad and I thought were gone."

Dan: "It's very complicated, I guess my mum just wanted to get rid of my past so she never told me about YouTube or Phil."

Kath: "I'm happy you are here though, come inside make yourself feel like home."

Dan and Phil went into the house and sat on the sofa with the fireplace on. Stepping inside from a frosty, chilly air to inside where it is all cosy and warm. It felt like home. Not a dark hole away from happiness, the hole you can't escape from and all the problems suffocate you and can't breathe. To this free space away from negativity.

Dan: "Can I go to the toilet?"

Kath: "Yes of course, just head up the stairs and it should be straight ahead."

Dan left the room and headed upstairs.

Kath and Phil looked at each other. Kath with a smile but with shocked eyes. And Phil with teary eyes. Phil got up and ran towards his mum. He dug his head on his mum's shoulder with floods of tears falling down his face. Kath patted his back and moved her hands in circular motions on his back just like what she did when Phil was younger when he worried.

Phil muffled: "I didn't expect the unexpected."

Kath: "Neither did I, but it was meant to happen. So what is going to happen now?"

Phil: "He was supposed to go to law school but he chose me."

Kath: "What about youtube?"

Phil: "I honestly don't know, it's been years since we were together on YouTube. After Pinof 10 it all went downhill, we know we needed to move on with the future and the end of an era, but things happen and I wasn't expecting that Dan and Phil are over. It will always be Dan and Phil, we will find each other. That's love, you let go but no matter how far you go a force will bring you back together."

Kath: "Maybe this is the new era?"

Phil: "The end of youtube? Moving on with our future with a family?"

Kath: "Yes, you made incredible memories and adventures with your YouTube journey, it's time to close that chapter and think about family....will you marry Dan?"

Phil: "I...."

Dan walked in.

Dan: "I love the candles in your bathroom."

Kath and Phil laughed

Kath: "Of course you do. It's getting quite late now I'll talk to you boys in the morning. Get some rest a lot happened today."

Kath headed upstairs.

Dan and Phil looked at each other and smiled.

Dan: "As I am the guest I'll just sleep here in the sofa, you can sleep in the bed."

Phil: "No I insist, I'll sleep here."

Dan: "Ummm, excuse me Philip Michael Lester , the most cutest person in the world I'll sleep on the sofa."

Phil: "I'm not going to let you bub."

Dan smiled and flung himself on the sofa.

Dan: I guess I'm sleeping here."

Phil flung himself on the sofa and dived on top of Dan. Phil looked down at Dan and looked him into the eyes and gave him a peck on the lips.

Phil: "I guess we both have to sleep here."

Dan: "Phil Lester, you're a genius!"

Phil giggled.

Dan: "What?"

Phil: "Nothing, you are just so adorable."

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