Chapter 38

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Dan opens his eyes and his vision is unclear and only sees a figure at the other side of his room.

Dan: " Who are you?"

Person: "I'm your mum, you can't remember anything. You have been in a coma for 5 years now. And things have changed."

Dan shakes his head.

Dan: "Who am I, how come I can't remember anything? Where am I?"

Dan's mum: "Your Daniel James Howell. And you are in the hospital. You were really sick and you nearly died. You had a life support machine but a miracle happened and nothing bad happened. 5 years ago on the 7th of December, your heart stopped and I though we were going to lose you, but you are still here."

Dan's tears escaped from his eyes.

Dan: "I don't know what is happening, I can't remember anything, my past? Where is my friends, my home, what was my job?"

Dan's mum: " Calm down Daniel, you need to rest first. Everything would be ok."

Dan's grandma walked into the room.

Dan's grandma: "Hello there Dannie, how are you feeling?"

Dan: "Who are you?"

Dan's grandma held Dan's hand and smiled.

Dan's grandma: "I'm your nana, remember look at my snaps nana?"

Dan smiled, even though he couldn't remember it a sense of memories flickered his brain.

Dan's grandma: " I used to look after you when you were younger, and we would play with your tamagotchi and we would dress up. Do you remember that? I would tuck you in every night and read you a bedtime story. I would knit you cosy jumpers that you loved and I bought you a teddy bear that looked like Winnie the Pooh, as that was your favourite programme when you were younger, that is where you got your posh accent from."

Dan: "I can't remember anything."

Dan's grandma: " You would also call me when you were at university as it was tough for you and I would always be there to support you and make sure you are ok. From when you were a tiny baby till now, I still love you Dan and you will always be my little angel."

Dan: "I'm sorry that I can't remember anything, but everything that you have said makes we want to remember those times."

Dan's grandma: " Also when you needed help for your videos for YouTube...."

But Dan's mum interrupted her sentence.

Dan's mum: "Can I talk to you first outside?"

Dan's grandma: " I'll be back pumpkin, I just need to talk to your mum."

Dan's mum and grandma left the room and closed the door.

Dan's mum: "I don't want you to talk about YouTube or anything to do with his life on the internet."

Dan's grandma: "Why not? That is what makes Dan, Dan. Without YouTube and life on the internet he wouldn't be the person he is now."

Dan's mum: " I want him to start fresh, I don't want anything to do with YouTube, that is why he ended up here. Instead of focusing on his health, he focused on YouTube."

Dan's grandma: "What about Phil? Phil helped Dan through his depression and he made Dan happier."

Dan's mum: "I don't want anything to do with Phil and not Dan and Phil. He needs to move on from the past. That era is over, it's a new chapter in his life. I'm going to make him go to law school, and make him study law like how it should have gone before he became a youtuber. But because of YouTube and Phil, it destroyed his dreams of becoming a lawyer."

Dan's grandma: " It didn't destroy his dreams. His only dream was to be happy. And that is what YouTube did, but most importantly Phil. Phil made Dan happy. I'm not going to let you take that from him. I want Dan to come back on YouTube with Phil. It is Dan and Phil."

Dan's mum: "No! I am the mum and I decide what he should do. He is going to be a lawyer and he will have nothing to do with YouTube or Phil."

Dan's grandma: "You may be the mum, but Dan's happiness is more important. I'm going to explain everything to him."

Dan's mum: "No! Dan Howell the YouTube is gone now, everyone on the internet thought Dan was dead. He needs to move on, Daniel James Howell the lawyer. Plus do you think if he does come back, people will still watch him? I doubt it, 5 years have passed, the phandom has moved on and so has Phil. Why do you think Phil never visits him? Phil doesn't care anymore. Phil is only using Dan."

Dan's grandma: "No! I know Philip, and he would not do that. He is one of the kindest and sweetest people I know, and he is not using Dan but helping Dan through his tough times. Phil is like a grandson of mine, so don't talk about Phil like that. And I know Phil still loves Dan. And when Dan comes back, the world would be a happier place, his laugh cures sadness."

Dan's mum: "So where is Phil? Dan could help people in need in the government and political side."

Dan's grandma: "I don't know where Phil is. But I know that Phil would come back and love Dan with his whole heart. Dan is going to help people all around the world. Dan helped people through mental health and he gave the people the encouragement to exist. I have the T-shirt that has the courage to exist text on it and I wear it everyday. I want to show people that even if Dan is gone from YouTube it doesn't mean his meaning and inspiration is dead. For once give Dan the happiness he wants. He deserves the world, he deserves to be happy. He gave people happiness, it's time for him to be happy."

Dan's mum: " Dan would decide what he wants to do. Be a lawyer or be a youtuber. I want Dan to be happy and for his decision I will support him."

Dan's grandma: "He is Daniel James Howell. He is our Dan."

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