Chapter 23

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(Phil walked out of Starbucks with his cup of coffee that warmed his hands while he walked through the crisp,cold afternoon. He then saw was Dan. Phil ran to Dan.)

Phil: "Dan, Dan, I...."

(The boy turned around)

Random man: "Excuse me I'm not Dan."

Phil: "Oh sorry, you just look like him."

(Phil was disappointed and then started to walk trying to think straight.)

Phil: "I miss you Dan."

Dan's POV

(Dan left his house for a couple of hours now and he didn't know where to go, but all he knew was that he wasn't ready to see Phil, especially now after a secret he hid from Phil....
Dan reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone he saw Phil's tweet...

I thought we would be friends forever, but sometimes promises are broken.

(A tear slowly dropped from Dan's face.)

Dan: " You don't understand Phil, I'm doing this for you."

(Dan continued walking not knowing where he was going to, until he arrived at the park. He sat on a bench that was facing the lake.)

Small girl: "Hello, oh my it's Dan. Dan Howell."

(Dan turned around and saw a small girl smiling with joy)

Dan: "Hey, yeah it's me."

Small girl: " I saw Phil at Starbucks and he said you were at the toilet how did you get here so quickly?"

Dan: "You saw Phil?"

Small girl: "Yeah, he was alone in Starbucks but he said he was just waiting for you as you were the toilet."

Dan: "Did he say anything about me?"

Small girl: "Nah, oh is ok if I can ask for a photo?"

(Dan's mind wondered:Maybe Phil doesn't want me anymore, maybe our friendship is just a lie)

Dan: " Yeah, sure do you want me to hold the camera?"

Small girl: "Yes please."

(The small girl got her phone and noticed Phil's tweet. She started to panic and started to cry.)

Small girl: "Is it true, are you and Phil not friends anymore?"

Dan: "What, no it's just misunderstood. We will always be friends and nothing will break us apart."

Small girl: "So why did he tweet that?" Her eyes bucketing with tears running down her face.

Dan: "Stop crying, everything will be ok, I'm not going to let Phil go." Dan wiped the girl's tears off her face with his tissue and gave her a warming hug.

Dan: " I don't want to see anyone sad, please stop crying, I'm here when you need me."

Small girl: "I don't know what I'm going to do when you guys end your friendship. You guys make me happy, you give me a reason to live, you gives saved me. I've watched you and Phil from day 1 and I don't want that time when you post your final video saying goodbye."

(Dan started to think. She's right there are other people who are counting on them to make them happy but does that mean giving up his happiness?)

Dan: "I don't want that day to come either!"

What now? Sad Dan and Phil fan fictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz