Chapter 37

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Phil heard a voice...

"He is alright? I don't know why he did that as long as he is ok. I love you Phil..."

Phil recognised that voice, was it Dan? Phil opened his eyes and saw someone's hand placed on top of his. He looked up and it was his wife.

Wife: "Thank goodness you are ok, I thought I was going to lose you. When I got a call from the hospital that your heart stopped, I was terrified. Please don't leave me. Luckily a man saw you in the park in the lake and brought you to the hospital. Or else you would be gone. Why did you do that?"

Phil: "I nearly died?! I should have, I want to get out of this world, I had enough pain, I want to die! Why? Why?! Why Dan? Tell me why? Why did he have to let me go, why not me! He doesn't deserve to die. "

Phil started to throw his pillows and his anger was rushing  through his veins and reached his knuckles. Phil stood up and tried to punch the wall, but lost his balance due to him being weak and he fell on the floor.


Phil's wife wrapped her arms around Phil.

Wife: "Shh, Dan would come back, please Phil be quiet, this isn't good for your health."

Phil grabbed his wife's arms off of his body.

Phil: " You don't understand.... Dan's gone, he won't come back. It's over! And it is all my fault, if I didn't leave him, he would still be here and none of this would have happened."

Wife: "Are you saying, that you never wanted me or our kids? You never loved me? It was Dan all along....?"

Phil: "Umm, you and our kids mean a lot to me..."

Wife: "Answer my question...did you ever love me or is it still Dan?"

Phil: "I had to move on from Dan. He told me I had to move on without him. I had a dream before and he wanted me to be happier with someone else. He knew that one day he would die, and he told me to turn off the life machine....but I loved him, so I couldn't. The last day I saw him was the day I filmed PINOF 10, and that is when I gave up youtube and everything I had. I had to move on, from my past, there was no point staying on youtube when all I see is Dan and Phil. Without Dan, it just wouldn't be complete. And then I met you, I knew you liked me after the first time we met, but I didn't have feelings for you. But I said to myself that I have to move on and say goodbye to Dan.

It truly was an end of era, but new adventures began. You and our kids were my new adventure. I lost contact with Dan's family as they trusted me to look after Dan and promise to love him, but I broke the promise and now I don't know what happened to Dan. He probably died, and I wasn't there to be beside him. We promised each other to love each other forever and ever. I don't know why I did that? I still love him. 5 years have passed but never did I have a day I wasn't thinking about him. I still have the first sharpie we used for our first PINOF, that is where it all started. And those memories will always be with me till the day I die. And those words "this is the most fun I've ever had." Is true....those 10 years of doing youtube together and everything we have done from our first video to our last, I learnt that you don't need everything in life to be happy, all you need is one person that would make you feel loved and you are worth the whole world. All I needed was Dan, that era was the most fun I've ever had and I couldn't have been any prouder or happier. Time goes pass, things change but we are still the same and our love never changed."

Wife: "I love you, but if you love someone you want them to be happy. Even though it is hard, love birds would find each other sometime. You will find Dan. And he will always be in your heart.  Even though we won't last forever, you can have a forever with Dan. I hope you would be happier. There is no point me loving you, as you don't love me back. Thanks Phil for the memories and for making me happy, now it's your turn. Go and be free, find your bub."

Phil: " Thank you, I'm sorry for everything."

Wife: "Don't be sorry, I'm thankful cause you showed me how to love."

Phil stood up and sat on the bed.

Phil: "I'm ready, I will find Dan, alive or not. I know he is still waiting for me, we promised each other forever and I'm going to keep that promise."

Phil's wife helped Phil standing up and walking out the door. Phil looked back at his wife and gave her a big hug.

Phil: "Just call me whenever you need help, I know the kids would be sad, just say I'm going to finish my story and have a happy ever after."

Phil got changed and his wife and Phil headed back  to the house, packing up his things, ready to find Dan.

Phil: "Forever Dan, I love you forever. I will find you in any world Dan. I promise."




A body lying on a bed....

Still breathing....

His eyes opened. Full of tears...

It was Dan.

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