Chapter 41

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Dan looked out the window and tears travelled down his face, even though he couldn't remember Phil he felt his heart tightening when he hears the name Dan.

Dan: " How much longer, Phil?"

Dan needed to go to the toilet.

Dan: "Hey, I'm just going to head to the toilet, could you look after my stuff?"

Woman: "Yeah sure."

Dan went to the toilet and left his bag and all his belongings on his seat on the train. There was a buzz and the announcement of the upcoming stop. The woman stood up and looked at Dan's stuff.

Woman: "This is my stop, I wonder if he is nearly done?" The woman shook her head and left the stuff on Dan's seat and left the train.

Dan started to walk towards his seat, he looked at the seat and his stuff was gone. He then glanced to see the woman's seat and nothing there.

Dan: "For f*** sake, my stuff has been stolen!"

Dan started to wonder around the train asking and looking for his stuff. He approached this woman.

Dan: "Excuse me, have you seen a suitcase and a black bag that has some patches on it?"

Woman: "Sorry I haven't."

Dan started to panic, what will he do without his stuff, he can't go home and tell his mum how he lost everything.

Dan continued to look and searched under chairs and then no one knew where his stuff was, so he decided to move to the other carriage, to spread the word. There was an old man looking out the window.

Dan: "Sorry sir, have u seen like a suitcase or anything?"

Old man: "Sorry boy, I haven't."

Dan started to tear up and was going to scream, as he was full of anger. Dan approached a man reading a newspaper. The newspaper was covering his face.

Dan: "Excuse me, but have you seen a suitcase or a black bag, it has my things in it and I was wondering if you have seen it or if you could help me out?"

The man didn't reply.

Dan: "Sorry, but I really need to find it."

Still no reply.

Dan: "Look, could you at least reply, I'm not asking for money, I'm simply asking if you have seen my things? Why are people so rude? I'm going through a lot and all I ask for is some help! If you don't want to help, then don't!"

Dan walked away and then stopped as the person spoke.

Person: "I am not rude, neither am I ignoring you. Look I'm going through a lot as well, and I don't want to hear a grown man moaning about losing his stuff. It's your fault, if you lost your things. It's your fault if you lost someone, and I won't be surprised if they left you. With your words and attitude I get why no one wants to talk to you!"

Dan was tearing up even more and his hand started to clench. Dan was really angry and his head was fuming. He turned around and lifted his arm and was going to punch the person.




His hand was in mid air...

Dan: "Phil?"

Phil: "Dan?"

Dan was stunned, no words escaped his mouth.

Phil: "You are alive?!"

Phil stood up and swung his arms around Dan's waist. Tears were flooding down his face and his heart started to beat faster than lighting. His breathing started to get quicker. Phil looked into Dan's eyes, Phil missed seeing through Dan's beautiful eyes.

Phil: "I miss you, from your eyes to your smile, everything about you. Dan.....what happened!"

Dan: "Why don't you tell me?"

Phil: "I'm so confused, I thought you died, but I had a feeling you weren't going to leave me just yet, cause I know we will stay strong no matter what. We promised that we will stay strong and fight for us. Only us. My bear and your lion."

Dan: "I woke up and I couldn't remember anything, but then I saw your video and there was an instant flash of memories. Was I the person you talked about meeting and your life and my life would change?"

Phil: "Yes! It was you bub and only you. I knew you were in a comatose and you were attached to a life machine. But, I thought you were going to leave, I lost hope. I quit YouTube, I started a new family and I had to forget about you, to get rid of all the pain. I couldn't be happy if you were always on my mind. But bear, you were my happiness and you standing right here is a blessing and I can't even explain how I feel. But that's can't explain cause you feel it."

Dan: "I want to be with you, lion. But my mum is pressuring me to go to law school and fulfil her dream of being a lawyer. But I was never meant to be a lawyer as I was always Dan, the youtuber. I was always Dan and Phil!"

Phil: "Don't listen to her. Do what makes you happy and follow your heart. It's an end of an era, but who says this story doesn't end..... it's still Dan and Phil! Our adventure hasn't ended, and I won't let this end."

Dan: "Not I but we. We are here as one, it's always and forever will be Dan and Phil! And I'm going to follow my heart, and my heart says you. Years have passed, things have changed. But we haven't, you are still the nerd I fell in love with and I'm still the rat you love. This hasn't ended just a new adventure."

Phil: "It will never end bub. I'll always be the lion to my bear and the bear to my lion. You are my bear, you are my Dan and forever will be. I love you so much and I can't wait to spend my whole with you. But what now?...."

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