Chapter 32

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Phil was walking down the corridor in the hospital leading to the room Dan was in. He received a call from the hospital that Dan was ok now to visit. But Phil's heart was beating a million miles an hour hoping that Dan was actually ok, he was scared that Dan would leave, and it will be the end.

Phil arrived at the room, he opened the door to see Dan lying there on the bed, but what he didn't expect was that he was on a life machine. Tears travelled down Phil's face, it could be the end. Phil shook his head wanting it to be just a dream, a dream where if Dan did die, he was still alive in the reality, but it wasn't a dream. It was reality and Phil realising Dan was lying there, he went and hugged him.

Phil: "I miss you, Dan. Please, pl...please don't go, say something I'm not giving up on you, I'm sorry for everything, don't let go of me..." Holding Dan's hand, Dan's hand were cold as ice, but Phil gripped his hand giving him warmth.  "Always there for me, I'll do the same."

Phil looked at Dan's eyes, he missed when Dan would look at him and see how happy Dan was. Phil fixed Dan's hair, memories of when they started off with fringes, and now with different hair styles.

Phil: "We were known for the two nerds that had the same hair for years, the duo that had matching hair, which sounds sad, but you made me happy. Now look at us, you embraced your curly hair and I was brave enough to have a change. Our hairs changed but we didn't, we are still Dan and Phil, and this is our world."

Phil looked at Dan's lips, he smiled.

Phil: " I miss seeing you smile, with your dimple, little Derek. Your laugh cured diseases, it made people out in the world laugh with you, but now silence, what is the world going to do with your laugh, it brought happiness and the true meaning of love. Your words.... encouraging words, you helped so much people, from mental health, accepting themselves and saying that you loved me, was all I could have ever dreamt. Thank you Dan for everything, you helped people out there and you gave me the courage to exist! I love you, forever." Phil kissed Dan's forehead, tears still running down his face and now over Dan's face. "I love you."

There was a knock at the door, it was the doctor.

Doctor: "Can I have a word with you, Mr Lester."

Phil stood up and looked at Dan.

Phil: "Yeah sure."

The doctor and Phil left the room and were standing out the door.

Doctor: "So Dan's on a life machine as you saw, when you brought him in the hospital that day, he was doing ok his heart was beating, but when you left the hospital his heart stopped, a flat line, and it was close to him dying but out of nowhere his heart started beating. And now we have to put him on the life machine, of course you know, only the machine is giving him life."

Phil: "So what are you trying to say?"

Doctor: "Dan can't be on the life machine forever, and..... it's up to you when you want to turn it off, and when you turn it off, you can't turn it on again, once you take off the plug, that's goodbye."

Phil: "So you are saying, that I have to kill Dan, I'm the one who has to turn off the machine and getting rid of someone I love?"

Doctor: " Yes, as you are the closest person to Dan, you get decide what you want to do."

Phil: "What I want do?! I don't want to end Dan's life, I'm not going to do it! No, no way."

Doctor: " If you don't want to do it, then another person would have to do it, his mum, brother... anyone. But we chose you, as we know that you love Dan the most, and you'll be the one to see Dan lose his life, if you decide to turn it off."

Phil: " Is there an option where I don't want to turn off the machine, and just give him life."

Doctor: " Machine or no machine, Dan's gone, the machine is giving him life, but it's up to you when you want to do it. Today? Tomorrow? A week? Month? Year? Years? We won't rush you, but you have to understand the longer it takes, the more pain you'll get."

Phil: "Can I think about this? I don't know what to do?"

Doctor: "Of course, when you make your mind up just tell us and we'll be there for you."

Phil went back into the room and sat beside Dan.

Phil: " If I hold on to you, would you hold onto me? Just when I thought everything was getting better, it crashes down. Why Dan? What did I do to deserve this pain, what did u deserve to say goodbye, finally I found my happiness, but I have to let that go. I'll always love you, forever and I'm not going to say goodbye. The saddest part in my life is saying goodbye to someone you wish to spend your lifetime with. Thank you for being there for me, when I had no one but now you are leaving me. It's sad, but life is full of sudden goodbyes."

Phil started humming....

"Whenever I'm alone, or if I'm feeling grey, there is one place I can go to brighten up my day. Makes want to sing, that's how the show should end, but wouldn't it be good if I could sing it with a friend?"

Phil hummed the rest of the song...

"The internet is here, the internet is great, when you've got lots of followers who need a real mate. We might be antisocial, but these days that is fine...."

Phil continued to hum the rest...

" Without the internet, we never would have met, we'd never be here on a stage doing things we might regret..."

Phil smiled at Dan...

"The internet is here, the internet is great, when you have got lots of followers who needs a real mate, we might be antisocial but these that is fine, cause life is so much better, life is so much better, life is so much better when you spend it all online!"

Phil: " Life is so much better when I spend it with you!"

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