Mabel on the Ring

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Mabel's pov

I was born on the ground. I was born down there 5 years ago. I only spent 6 months down there so I don't remember anything. Daddy told me it was pretty. The trees were green. The water was clear and the sky was blue. Birds would fly around in the sky. The flowers would flourish bright pretty colours. I wish I could see it. I wish I could see Mommy again. When I was a baby we had to leave Earth because it was on fire. Mommy didn't make it to the rocket ship in time. Daddy says she died but I don't believe him. I know what 'die' is and I don't believe him when he says Mommy is gone. He tells me she was smart and selfless. So if she was smart she could find a way to be alive still.
It's boring up in space. Everyday they are finding a way to get back to the ground. There are no kids up here for me to play with. I have to make my own fun but it's pretty hard when you have no one to play with and you've explored most of the ring.
I found some paper and old pencils so I draw pictures all the time. I draw pictures of Earth. I draw the trees and animals.
"Mabel." I look up from my drawing
"Daddy. What are you doing?" I ask him
"Well I thought because your such a big girl now that we should teach you some warriors skills." He tells me.
I jump up. I've been wanting to learn how to fight since I could remember. Daddy always said I was too little.
"Lets go now." I grab his hand and drag him to fighting mat.
I see Echo and Raven fighting each other and I love watching it. When Echo pins Raven to the ground I shout out
"My turn."
I'm about to run in but Daddy pulls me back.
"Mabel you must listen. Echo is a better fighter than I am. She will teach you. You need to listen to her.
"Okay." I tell him.
Raven moves away and I stand there looking at Echo. She looks at me and then I fall to the ground.
"Heyyy." I yell
"You must always be prepared to fight." Echo tells me
"How? You meant to teach me all of this, not put me on the ground straight away." I say annoyed.
"Mabel." Daddy looks at me with his serious face.
I stand back up and listen to Echo and whats she tells me. She teaches me a few moves. It was hard but lots of fun.
"That's enough for today." Echo said
"Alright then. Can we practice more tomorrow?"
"Sure Mabel." Echo smiles
I run to her and hug her. I feel her arms wrap around me. She's not my Mommy but I love her and everyone else on the ring.
"Mabel you have other stuff you need to do." Daddy reminds me.
"What else do I need to learn today?" I mumble.
"I'm sure Raven will teach you a thing or two. Why don't you go and find her." He tells me. I walk off in search for Raven.
Now that I'm 5 I have to start learning things. I have to learn about Earth, the grounders, fighting, survival skills, science. I like learning because it gives me something to do but I'm always bored afterwards. There's nothing for me to do on the ring. Everyone is busy.
I find her room.
"Raven." I call out
"Mabel what are you doing?" She asks me
"Daddy said I should go and find you." I tell her.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"I'm playing with the radio. Again." She sighs
"But you told me that no one will hear us because of radiation interference." I say
"Well I've got to try Mabel. I try everyday." She looks at me.
I stand at her door looking at her.
"Come here." She pats the side of the bed that she is sitting on. I walk over and climb up. She puts her arm around me and kisses me on the head.
"Will we ever get down?" I ask her
"One day hopefully." She sighs
We both look out the window thats in her room.
"Your smart Raven. Daddy said so. Mommy trusted you as well." I tell her
"How do you know that?" She looks at me now.
"Daddy told me. Daddy sometimes tells me stories about what Mommy was like. I want to see her." I look up at Raven
"I think we all do Mabel." Raven replies.
"How about we go and find your Daddy. I'm sure Monty will be serving up lunch soon so we can all sit together and talk." Raven suggests
"Yeah." I say
We stand up and I hold Raven's hand as we walk out of her room.
Lunch was boring. It was Monty's algae as always. It's all we eat. I wish I could eat proper food. Daddy said when they were on the ground they ate meat like fish and rabbit. They gathered berries and plants that were safe to eat.
After lunch I went back to my bedroom to draw. Daddy would come in and check on me sometimes but I was mostly on my own until dinner. We had algae again for dinner. I didn't really want algae and pushed my bowl away.
"Mabel, why aren't you eating?" Daddy asks me.
"Why can't we have some real food. I'm sick of eating algae." I complain
"That's something I can agree with." Murphy spoke up. Everyone looked at him then Daddy looked back at me.
"You need to eat this because it will keep you alive. It's not the best stuff, no offense Monty, but we won't eat it forever. It's only while we are up here." Daddy explains to me
"Then why don't we go back down." I mumble
"You know we can work out how to get back down yet." Daddy said.
"Well try something then. I don't want to be up here anymore." I yell at him
"Mabel get up and go to your room." Daddy scolded me
I started crying. I get out of my seat and run to my bedroom. I lay on my bed and keep crying. I hear my door open and someone sit down next to me. I take a peak and see it is Daddy.
"Mabel." He plays with my hair.
I keep in crying.
"Do you want to know something about your Mom?" He asks
I stop crying and I look up at him.
"Your Mom was a princess. Thats what we all called her. She helped everyone she could. She did what was best for her people. When she found out she was having you she was so scared. She had been through so much, we all had she was worried that she'd hurt you but when you were born after She stopped ALIE you gave her strength. You gave her hope. Mabel you are so much like her. You have her eyes for starters. Your selfless and want what is best for everyone not just yourself. It's really hard up here but the best way we can get through this is if we do this together." I listen to Daddy talk. I sit up and hug him. He picks me up. We go and lay on his ned together. I snuggle up to him and I fall asleep.

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