Chapter 9

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"So Steven why were you flying through the air, singing like a madman?" she enquired as she sat down around a fire and joined Steven and Daniel. The fire cracked, she sensed the energy roaring in the fire. She were memorised by the fire. Rebecca! A voice roared and cracked through her head ferociously ripping her mind into fragments. it scared her as it has been a long time since she was tormented by the voice. Come on you know you want my advice. She ignored the voice as she has done for years. "Yo Pyro you listing" Steven shouted. Bex snapped out of the trance she was held in and returned back to herself. "Sorry i got caught up in my thoughts too much for a second, so why was you flying" Daniel held his head in shame and embarrassment. "Daniel what did you do?" she asked. A bead of sweat rolled down his brow. Pyro sipped at her drink. "Well I may be a good scientist in the real world well my world but in here I kinda make mistakes, and I almost blew up Steven." "How did the hell did you manage to do that" she spat as she laughed. Images ran through her head at how he could have done it. Daniel sat there still holding his head in shame. "well I was setting up equipment to crystallize my life essence i was being to quick and it, it it kinda set a chain reaction, I buffed the explosion on myself with a cushion of air but Steven got hit by the explosion and sent flying only survived because of his shield. And by the looks of it is almost day and we better go looking for your new friend as..."

"He ain't my friend he is a perv, We better find him and soon as i heal him i let you two look after him to sanctum as I can tell I'm still wanted hence the hammerlocks are still sending holy paladins after me after I've killed them all in the last five years. But at least the tierith's are not being complete bastards like they used to be as they were the hard days. I seriously need to get a new teacher as the voices are coming back, and i don't want to be mentally raped again it was not too nice" They all looked in shock as they knew the problems that oncoming storm could cause if those if the voices returned to her. Steven feared what could come if she ever listened to the voices that plagued her mind. He looked at Pyro and felt pity which was a rare thing for him to feel but he hoped that one day they would be a solution to it but Daniel and his comrades at ranvia was far away yet. "Shell we get going and find him as being a eighteen year old kid strapped to a horse with no clue where you are while your dying aint a great combination" Daniel spoke out as he furiously grabbed his stuff and strapped it back down to his horse and jumped on and passed a hand to pyro to join him on the horse. She took his hand leaped up onto the horse and sat down behind him.

"Aint it usually me the first one up n going" he mocked as he finished his drink and looked up at the sun greeting them on the new day and the new task ahead.

With the rising of the sun it allowed them to continue on to find the poor boy. The horses ran through the plains of Barladore as they pursued after ever moving location of the pervert. Pyro was anxious as she scanned the area as they was in the open which is something she attend to avoid with all costs as she could be seen and have her position betrayed by the innocent bystanders who only her for the monster inside. They was forced to stop by Daniels horse refusing to run any further which indicated by Daniel and Pyro flew off the horse as it came to a stop. They landed in a painful bundle of limbs. They both grumbled and moaned as they untangled and struggled back to their feet. "Well scarlet is a great horse but she is temperamental about whether she wants to do want I want. If she ain't happy she won't do it." He sighed to himself and went to scarlet; he reached into one of his bags and searched for something to drink. He grabbed the remaining water he had, he walked close to scarlet and gave the remaining water to scarlet which she replied with something close to a smile. Pyro looked around but the land was flat for miles and only thing within range was ferrous woods which stood good ten miles from them. Steven rode into the distance not realising. Pyro could see him looking to all the sides looking for pyro and Daniel he realised he left them behind and came back. Pyro and Daniel sat feeding the horse into he was happy to get going again. " you need to look after him more and respect him then she will then probably do what you ask" He ignored her advice and climbed back on scarlet, Pyro jumped back on with him they galloped towards Steven. They met half way. " Yo Daniel you need to pay less time to your science crap and magic and pay more into taming your horse." He laughed to himself as he rode around them. Pyro's ears twitched as she heard screams in the distance followed by crashing sounds, she searched the land to see where sound came from. All she could see was an old woman and kids pointing at her in fear, they turned tale and ran away from pyro. Why does everyone run away from me? Wait yeah everyone are judgemental nats these days She thought to herself. They are readied up and rode down the plains of balandar. The fragments of the second moon faded round the side of the world as day broke through.

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