Chapter 6

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A second chance

Dante felt the numbness of the pressure pressing down on him as he flung into the portal turned singularity. Bolts of plasma struck his chest as he went through causing pain to burn its way though his body, his body gripped in the embrace of death as he passed into the new unknown realm. The darkness consumed his body as it spread around him. The light of the portal now closed behind as he fully passed through it. His body is no longer able to cope with the pain. Now they were nothing but pure darkness. Dante felt so lonely now he co no longer feel the ebbing power he had when he was interconnected with flow of life essence with the earth, now he doesn’t have it again after only getting it back. His plot of revenge was short lived as he is now trapped in the void between worlds. All he could do is wander to the end of his time. He re arranged his position to feel like he was standing, he began to sing as he awaited his fate. 

Mark was grabbed by the singularity and was suspended in the air by the force of the singularity, the temple collapsed around mark. The singularity grabbed on to mark and released a shock wave repulsing mark out of the temple as the temple exploded with the singularity. Mark flung through the air as he surfed the shock wave into a tree. He lied there as he regained feelings from his body as the numbness ended and the aching began. He stumbled to his feet and searched through the ruins to only find the remains of his nephew jack he grabbed the body and pulled it to his chest and sobbed as the feelings roared out of him, he began to choke on the tears as he rocked back and forth 

Nothing could be felt. None of the senses was working but he felt something else, a tingle he has never felt before. The experience was odd to him to feel this new feeling, it flowed into him. A new essence surrounded him he felt the pressure of it raining on him at all angles. He did not even have the ability to think all he could do was sense the new environment. As it flooded into him he felt into flow into his cells bringing the life back to the dead. Seconds had turned into minutes and minutes turned to hours as the life in his body slowly crept back into him. The body was still an empty shell deprived of its soul. It hung in the suspended by the nothingness of the void. A spark of life kicked of somewhere deep within the body’s core. The spark of determination rushed through the nerves of the body resetting the system. Life returned as the spark rushed through the body. The nerves started to work as they sensed the gripping chill of the void.  More pressure built on top the already existing pressure and crushed into his body ripping open his skin and poured into the gaps and rushed into the veins of the body and poured into the cells that died and gave them life they start contracting pushing the clotted blood through the decaying system. The decay started to reverse, the blood with the influence of this essence started to un-clot. The blood re-entered the lungs bring the essence with it and lungs started to heal and fresh oxygen from nowhere filled his lungs, his brain filled with oxygen and the unknown essence. Life came back to his brain and he started to think. All of his memories escaped him as they buzzed around his mind. His own name escaped his tongue as he racked his mind for his own name. More life burst through his body cracking his skin as it went through his system. He felt warmth on his cheeks as they slowly regained blood. The blood flowed more into his brain. The haze began to fade from his mind as the whisper of his name that was evading him now became a fully fledged shout. JACK! Jacks mind fumbled about in pieces as recollected itself to one solid piece but the memories of his mind still evaded him. But his mind stated to work as one all as well. All the information being sent by his rejuvenating body was now being organised by his mind allowing him to get a grasp of where he is but even with that he did not know where he was at all. His eyes blinked open take a look of his surroundings but as his vision expanded and scanned the area; he took in the white planes that surrounded him. Pain now grappled his body as he saw his punctured skin re grow in front of his eyes and he lifted his arms to feel his wounds and memories rushed back and he went for his neck to feel a gash through most of his neck but he could feel his flesh knit back together which was not a pleasant feeling for young jack. The pain passed the hours by as his body fixed itself at a rapid rate. The pain is all he has now; it is all that remains of him.

The pain started to cease as jacks memories started to return and he remembered his last breath as he was murder by the same person who killed his parents. The light concentrated into one spot again and expanded into another black hole jack saw it but it was out of his reach as the pain even after it started fading is too much for him to move. But he grabbed at the floor and lifted himself onto his knees. Even that was too much of a hassle for him and left him aching for energy to just move his fingers and he sat there waiting for his energy to come back to him but he was running out of time as the pressure built up with inside of him and every inch on him. The portal which was a size of a bus started to slowly shrink but he could not do anything about it as he couldn’t move an inch. He fell to all fours and dragged himself across the floor towards the portal now he has the motivation to move even if it causes him severe pain. Now more of his memories flooded to him as they unravelled themselves in his mind, Yuri and raven came into his mind and them putting their lives on the line for jack. He cannot let their risk go for nothing as jack now realised where he is. But as jack spent his time thinking the portal was coming to a close, jack looked up to see this happening and panic rushed through his veins. He scrambled to his feet and let the pain become him as he took step after agonizing step towards the portal; it came closer in his sight. But that started to fade again as the pain started to become too much for jack again. Jack rammed himself through the portal as it shut on him lighting hitting his chest and the pain began again as he passed out as hell fell through the portal. The roar of wildlife hit him as he entered a new world to him. Trees littered the ground around him as he came into a dense Forrest. The portal closed snapped closed behind him as he fell through it. The bursts on his arms now healed and the pain faded as he walked into the new environment taking every drop in. A weird boar like creature scuttled past jacks legs as he saw the beauty of the woods as the light started to fade as the sun went down. It left the surrounding trees in a metallic glow in the remaining sunlight. A vibrant green bird flew over jack’s shoulders as he looked around him to get a grasp of his surroundings. Jack felt a rumble under his feat. The rumble rushed past his feet and after the bird flying through the air. An eight legged insect burst out of the floor and rushed into the air in pursuit of the bird. It jet black body glistened as it flew through the air. The jaw of the creature ripped open teeth flashing. The bird was ripped out of the air and hung in the insect’s mouth as wings sprung out of its back and glided to a tree where it could sit and eat its dinner for the night. Jack gulped as he took a step back from what he just witnessed an insect kill a bird as if it was an ant to a human. Jack started to walk away from the trees in the forest hoping to find civilization which he can then seek shelter from the people there. Jack walked on knocking branches past as went down a hill and insects scuttled away on the branches as he pushed them bye. As he lowered his left hand he felt a pricking sensation rush through his hand followed by a cooling sensation in his hand which spread through his arm at an alarming rate. He looked down to see a purple bee like thing attached to his hand. Instinctively he crushed the bug under his hand and continued on walking to his demise as the toxin started to kick and numbed his whole body. His mind went hazy and lost his track of thought more than once. His mind floated away from his body and watched himself collapse to the floor. And jacks mind went blank again.

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