Chapter 1

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Naite kurasu mo issho, waratte kurraso mo ishho(jack)

The sun cast orange beams of hope over the sky as he faded behind the solid core of depression known as night seeped its way in kicking out the sun. snippets of complaints is heard from school kids as the sun faded from the sky and the city of Tokyo is slowly plunged into darkness  as the workers leave their work following the same pre-set routine for them as set out by their love for order. The roar of thunder cracked through the city's sky as the bullet train flew into town to meet the arriving workers going home to meet their family. The raw noise and beast leaves school in the form of the mass mob rushing out of its doors. But the mass of people leaves one person behind. The odd one out in this school, the devil would stick out less than this one reaming kid at school. He chose the solitude of the dark crying to himself as he is reminded day by the day of the horrors of his past. The sobs shaking his whole body out of control as all that remained grip on himself faded into darkness. The salty tears streamed down his face. He remained in a comatose like state of depression as the school closed and the bell pierced him out of it. He got up and looked around the dying class room as posters were fading and falling off and he laughed to himself not having a clue what it all means as he shuffled out the door taking off his uwabaki to put his shoes on and slipped the uwabaki back into his rucksack and set off down the dust filled corridor packed with classes on each side. He looked into one of the many rooms and saw Lucy working up an appetite as she worked hard into the night every night.                                                                                                “See ya Lucy I’m off for the night, I’ll talk to you later” shouting over her music. She just replied with a nod and a waved back. He left the classroom with bang a the floor board gave up  with his weight on it and went into the floor he laughed and continued walking  “I’m surprised this school is still standing” he muttered to himself as he continued to walk on down the entrance and jogged down the stairs to leave the decaying school behind as he saw the blossom fall off the trees flanking the entrance and went off to catch the train to enter the lair of darkness.                                                                                                                                                      

The dust of the industrial decay filled the air, blocking out the light. The area moaned and screeched in agony as the dark beast tormented the area. The cold wind cut into the boy's face as he made his same route to the lair of depression. His mind did not carry him but his feet did, step by step along the agonizing path the feet and heart wanted to take against the minds will. He looked around and the place has still not changed. The depression here for him still clung to the buildings like the foul beast it is. It hung under the windows and in the alleyways always watching the boy who came into his lair. The foul beast stalked the boys mind as he walked to the end of the street. The industrial buildings around him were also giving in hope like the boy who walked past. All feelings were sapping away and were being converted to more horrendous depression adding up to the rest of the depression corrupting his mind. He yet walked on even though this was a horrific pain. This was mental torture but his feet carried him along with relentless motives. His heart Started to beat faster and out of control. His hands started to twitch as feelings slowly started to kick in. Burning fire burned at his inside. Slowly turning him to a soulless corpse as he yet dragged himself on. He turned to the right to see newly constructed cranes to help construction of the new area of  Tokyo docks  and buildings half constructed with the empty shells watching as he walked past. Workers scuttled around the old buildings devouring its corps as they tore it down brick by brick.

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