Chapter 3

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Rain poured down jack as he sent off home from yet another weird encounter with Lucy. The rain caused jacks long hair to flatten and cover his face as he was in pursuit to get home. After hours of walking through all of the backs streets around shibyu which Lucy dragged him down he finally stumbled along the right path home. Girls looked at the lonely gajin with awe as they admired the weird beauty he holds when he was walking through the rain. The hair darkened bringing out the lightness in his deep blue eyes. Even his eyes seemed to tinkle like the lonely stars this is his soul. His greby wardrobe of clothing clung to his tight frame as he walked past those in shock.  Girls from his school with their new image of jack all of a sudden wanted to know who he was, not realising who he was.                                                                                                                                          “Hay what’s your name I aint seen you around before” the attempts at grabbing his attention was futile. He continued to walk on with multiple girls trying to grab his attention as they were taking in every detail about him, but they was one detail they didn’t not notice. He gracefully removed his earphones and in response the girls started to blush at their humiliation.                                             “What’s up” he questioned as they bugged him to talk in the first place.                                                   “finally... well none of us recognize who you are we know you go to a school here but one of all of us goes to a different school” A small blonde girl replied as felt offended for him not replying the first few dozen times.  She was only a petite girl every feature as delicate as the last. She carried herself gracefully as if she was made of glass but she dominated over the other people and all those round held respect to her for no reason. She just reaps but jack knew what she was truly like. She back stabbed and betrayed left right and centre with no effect on her.                                                                                                                                                    “Well I know who you are orhime, head of the fashion club at school “he laughed at the fact they don’t recognize who he was and it was even worse as they pick on him on a daily basis.                                                                                             “who are you” she stepped back creped out .                                                                                                     “I am jack, or you know me as gajin lapdog. I'm busy so get out of my way and let me be” he said with every word teeming with anger. He walked away and leaving them in awe of his new beauty and his defiance towards them. He walked out of ears range of the group of girls but he picked up a few lines from them calling him cute and hot.

He strolled through countless amounts of estates.   After hours of walking he finally gotten home and opened the small gate what fell off at its hinges every time someone thinks about opening the gate. He shuffled to the door as he rummaged through his pocket for his keys which seemed to be in a whole new dimension now he needed them. The door rattled open as he barged in.                      “Did you need to barge in like that” his uncle roared at him.                                                                        “I wouldn't have to if the door actually opened. We need a new door” he barked back as he closed and stormed upstairs with the shouts of his uncle trailing behind him as he gave up caring what his uncle thought as he dragged himself up the stairs. Welcome to the family he thought.                            “... Did you get that” his uncle shouted.                                                                                                               Yeah I did” he naturally lied. Without a clue what he said he walked to his bed and lied down on it as he checked his texts on his phone and the spark of joy hit him again as a text from Lucy came though  he smiled to himself as he worked his way into her heart hoping they was a space for him there. He got up and checked his phone for home work and settle down doing it pulled his chemistry text book out and worked away .

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