Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Bexy

“Battle stations people; give me two guards at the doors to the side of the main door. I want a rifleman on the stairs and gunman to the man the door to jacks room.” A mafia henchman ordered. They all followed his command. Then they were another bang on the door. The sounds of cocking guns and gun checks filled the air as they got into position.                                                                           “you all know the drill, stay hidden don’t be seen we want the element of surprise on our hands as last time we faced him those years back we didn't stand a chance” so all the mafia goons hid ready to spring an attack on the unknowing suspect.                                                                                                 “Jacks uncle what’s your name again” leading henchmen questioned.                                                     “Its mark what’s up”                                                                                                                                             “here take this sword and give it to jack it’s a family heirloom which is something of legend. he might need it if we fail. After that come down her and open the door” he passed over the sword. The sheaf was made of almost solid ebony wood it was embossed with golden floral pattern down the sides. “What do you mean fail, you’re supposed to be the best gunmen in Tokyo” he was in disbelief in what he said.                                                                                                                                       “My reputation does precede me but they is a first for everything and I haven’t failed yet so yeah” mark now full of reinsurance he climbed the stairs to the second floor past the guards and into jacks small room.                                                                                                                                                   “I was told to give you this to protect yourself, I don’t see you needing it though with all the gunmen down there.” he embraced jack into his arms. He passed the sword over to jack.                                   “it’s time for me to play bait for you jack” mark gave jack a salute then walked out of the room crying. Mark returned down the stairs looking at the paintings. This may be the last time I walk down here he thought to himself as he prepared himself for the possible end of his life.                                            “right I am ready to open the door” he cried. His life went through his eyes. The regrets and mistakes left a bitter taste but he smiled as he remembered he is doing this to protect the only thing he has left of his brother. He pulled the keys out of his pocket and slipped them into the lock and twisted, the door moaned in response. As he opened the door he whipped his face. To his shock the door jammed.                                                                                                                                         “Note to self get a new door” he muttered to himself as he yanked the door open to reveal two police officers standing there.                                                                                                                                “Jeez aren’t you two a sight for sore eyes I thought it was him at my door, my nephew saw him watching his window” even though they was police officers they where an aspect missing, something wrong. Mark stared into the eyes to get nothing back but the black abyss of the soul. Death seemed to hold these cops in its cold embrace.                                                                                  “we would like to come in” They where whispers from behind mark as the guards decided to do.      “stand down” was heard in the background as the chief henchman deemed the cops as no risk. Mark bowed his head down and gestured for them to come in.                                                                      “Welcome to our humble abode, the living room is through here” he polity said and closed the door after the cops as they shuffled in. They still were not right in marks mind as they just didn’t act right. Black smoke hung to the souls of their feet. He noticed this as they stumbled on into the living room. “well what can we do for you officer” he enquired.                                                                                 “well we had a phone call from this house reporting that Dante was in the area, we came to enquire about the sightings” yet again with that dull mono tone voice of theirs, zombies sounded more alive than they did.  “Well my nephew is the son of the two he murdered and he was a witness which put him away so I can assume why he’d be after him...” he was shortly interrupted by the younger female officer  whose hair seemed to be less tame than wild.                                                                     “was he seen here and do you know if anyone else saw him”                                                                       “well of what I know only him, he was watching jacks room as he was doing home work and then jack looked up and saw him after news report. I know that sounds like paranoia but he is up stairs scared for his life. Can you help us?” the police officers looked at each over and dirt fell out of the younger ones hair as she turned.                                                                                                                         “Well we can set up a perimeter and give him a police escort to where he wants to go, if not well have to put him into witness protection”  bangs came from upstairs. All three of them looked to the stairs to see jack walking down the stairs.                                                                                                         “mark does any of them speak English as I feel like i need to be here in this convo as it is about me” mark nodded in return and continued to ask the police officers if any of them could speak English so that they can translate for jack.                                                                                                         “Jack the older one named Haru can translate for you. Can you make us a cuppa?” Jack went into the small kitchen of theirs to go make them a cup of tea. Mark casually stared at Haru as just like his partner they were something wrong with him. He had the same dirty hair which seemed that he has been dragged through a bush. Also his eyes seemed as empty as hers which is odd for one person but for two people to look like they are deaths door when a killer is on the loose is a bit suspicious. Also they was a bit late considering the situation. Well they wouldn’t be alive if they were attacked by him. He thought to himself. Jack strolled in with cups of tea for Haru and his assistant but as they brushed hands to pass the cup he felt the frosty embrace of their hands and looked outside to see the sun to still is in the air. At the confusion of them being freezing while suns still in the sky he shifted to the right to put the heating on.                                                                                “you two are freezing I just chucked heating on for you, so what’s going to happen as I am scared for my life here” he sat down. He lifted the mug to his face and let the tea bring warmth to his lips.      “well we need to consider the many options that we have. As we cannot afford to let him attack again and you seem to believe you are the next target so that’s why we are here. At the moment we have secured the area and got guards on stationed outside of your house now and also we have guards patrolling the area for him”  if jack felt any relief he didn’t show it, he looked towards mark.     “well do you have any plans to capture him seeming bullets don’t work on him”                                       “well were using different bullet rounds which can pierce through body armour so we got him now, and now in the future you will receive a police escort where you go and this offer applies to family and your friend Lucy whom is now at threat as well but from the private amount of private guards she has we can assume she be safe but it’s still their” they looked at mark and jack as they thought about the new situation they are in.                                                                                                                     “but what about witness protection i saw him kill him my...” jack was interrupted by the cocking of the gun. He turn to see the lead henchman pointing a gun at the cops with Lucy standing behind him with a gun.                                                                                                                                                         “Well I knew I should have not trusted you two” he roared at Lucy and the henchmen.                             “Sorry but we didn’t tell you that you was still bait for when the police came.” Lucy looked down in shame of what they have done but she knew it had to be done.                                                                   “Why use us as bait for the police what have the police done and how are they a threat” he still roared away as the cops got nervous and their hands slowly reaching down to their gun holsters ready to draw if any of them makes a move.                                                                                                       “you need to tell them Yuri” Lucy screamed                                                                                                       “They are not the people you think they are, Haru there is my brother he is ex mafia turned cop and we buried him two weeks ago, as he was a cop who was killed by Dante when he escaped. The female is a model which went missing two weeks ago and i was hired to protect her and i found her dead when I got there” said Yori jack and mark now shocked got up and stood behind Yori and his henchmen with them all now aiming at the two cops.                                                                               “How how how can that be, how can they be dead and in front of us talking a few minutes ago. Just how that makes sense” jack said in denial but mark started adding two and two together. They where freezing cold on a hot night. Their eyes seemed life less and their voices just were mono toned and droning. The female police officer pulled her gun out and bout to take aim but Yuri fired off three shots which struck her straight in the chest and she collapsed.                                                     “so the dead can be killed again, well ill need to add that to the list of things I’ve killed” he muttered to himself as he hosted his gun.                                                                                                                          “You just killed a cop Yuri” jack, Lucy and Mark was in shock to this but he dismissed this.                 “She was already dead I watched her die over week ago” They was a moan and she got back up to her feet but they was no blood on her. Jack and Mark looked for blood but they were none on the floor. “but I cannot die” she gurgled out of her mouth and laughed. She then aimed for Yuri’s knee “i guess you have to take me off your list and ill put a whiny bitch on mine” she mocked and aimed the gun at his face and she turned to mock. Lucy turned to hear the screams in the distance.                      “well after I killed him, I’ll kill all of you accept jack i can’t kill jack, Dante wants that j...”  Yuri got up to his feet. He rammed his shoulder straight into her armpit knocking her off her feet, in the next step he turned and grabbed the whist with her gun in and squeezed. With his available arm he shoved his elbow into her nose. She let go of the gun which he grabbed and aimed at her partner and fired the whole mag into his face.                                                                                                                                 “Here is the gun too” he threw the gun at him and slipped his hand down and grabbed the knife at his calf and stabbed the female cop and then he turned and kicked her into the wall. He dusted his shoulders and shrugged.                                                                                                                                       “Well I don’t see this fuss about knee injuries and how the hell it would stop me from doing that” he laughed and went to Lucy.                                                                                                                                     “Dante is after you two and I don’t know if I can protect you against him. I took a wound from his minions, but where getting out of here pack your stuff every one and lets go now!” everyone go up to their feet and ran to their rooms for their stuff. A roar of van came and it parked up outside the window ready for every to get going.                                                                                                                       “Yuri what’s wrong, why the oh fuck” mark asked.                                                                                           “I didn't say anything”.

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