Chapter 14: The Art of Not Getting Caught

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Katie was quite a bit—okay, a lot—smarter than she used to be.

The thing she was the most informed of? Percy freaking Jackson—her best friend.

She used to praise him and everything he did—his art and brain, math skills, everything; it was always the best of the best. And when he would chuckle and flick her ear… well, she thought that that was because he agreed. But that wasn't true.

He knew he wasn't the best of the best, but Percy obviously enjoyed the fact that Katie… idolized him, crazy or not.

Now, Katie was questioning why she ever looked up to him like that.

Since there was an on-the-loose boa constrictor, on-fire NASCAR track, and the whole entire state of Alabama on their tails.

Which, of course, had to do with Percy freakin' Jackson and his ideas that seem really 'cool' and 'fun.'

Let's backtrack, shall we?


Katie was attempting to relax in the warm lake, eyes closed.

Even if it wasn't the hottest part of the year, it was hot, and she was attempting to absorb all of the coolness of the lake water before it reached ninety degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

It would have helped if her so called friend would stop pestering her.

"C'mon, Butterfly, swim! Don't just lay there!" Percy shouted grumpily, splashing her with water.

"Go away!" She covered her eyes with her arm, like that would help block out the noise.

It didn't work, by the way.

"You guys are going to move soon, so spend some time enjoying your last couple of months in Alabama."

Guilt tripper.

She groaned and flipped off her pink float, going waist deep in the chilly water. Slowly, Katie opened her eyes, adjusting to the bright light, before quickly shutting them again when a splash attacked was launched at her.

Yeah, that's right—a splash attack.

And to make matters worse? Percy dunked her underwater.

"Perseus Jackson, you are so dead!" she shouted, launching herself at him. He laughed—the maniac laughed at her, all humorless and smug—and quickly dove under the water to swim away.

"Get 'im!"

Katie froze, because Percy was under the water, and unless he had suddenly learned how to speak telepathically, someone else was around. She whirled around, and the boy who had shouted, Marcus, waved cheekily; his twin sister, Marianna, elbowed him in the gut.

"Hey, Katie!" Mariana shouted, waving kindly as her poor brother was doubled over in pain.

"Hey," Katie replied weakly, watching Marcus as he continued to stay curled up. Either Marianna had a really pointy elbow, or she had aimed a bit lower than intended.

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