Chapter 20

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"Get up." My dad said as he pulled me out of bed. "We have to leave."

I looked at the time, 6:02 am.

"Why?" I said trying to wake myself up. I watched him throw all my stuff into suitcases.

"We have to go. Don't ask questions." He said as he shut my suitcase.

"No! I don't want to go!" I yelled.

He ran over & slapped me, "Shut up & get in the car."

I cried as I walked downstairs. I grabbed my phone & texted Mason.

My dads making me leave. I don't know where we're going, & I don't think I'll ever be back. Don't forget about me. Please. I came to find myself in love with you the first time we laid eyes on each other, but I guess we'll never know what this could've been.

I hit send as tears fell down my face. I felt like I was leaving my heart behind and Mason was holding it & I'll never get it back.

I got in the car and slammed the door shut. I couldn't stop myself from crying despite of my dad yelling at me. I took one last look at the house, I know it had no good memories, but I'll miss it.

I turned around to look down the road I drove on the first time I came from my moms house.

My moms house, God I'll miss her. I'll miss that house, holding so many memories & laughs. It broke my heart I was forced to leave, but I couldn't stay. Where would I go? Where would I stay?

Mason. I could stay at Masons...

We stopped at a red light and before I knew it I was opening the car door & jumping out. I ran.

I ran like hell. Past our old house & past unfamiliar roads.

I heard my dads truck coming behind me so I ran behind a house & watched him go by trying to catch my breath.


Now I was alone.

This was my life now I guess.

Broken family. Broken heart.

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