And his cheek fur were stained with tears, which were still wet. Shadow gave a sigh as he bent down and put a hand onto the hedgehog below him. He jumped back a little once he felt how bad Sonic was shaking, and his crimson eyes widened.

What happened to make him like this? Shadow rubbed a gloved thumb over Sonic's cheek. The tears seeping through his glove. Shadow sighed before he backed away and took another glance over Sonic. He brought his hand down and shook his shoulder.

At this Sonic whimpered and curled up ears falling. "Sonic wake up..." Sonic's ears fell more but he opened his eyes. The hero glanced upward expecting Tail's but jumping back into the wall in surprise seeing Shadow. As he jumped back he knocked his head into the wall and yelped quickly bringing a hand to his head and rubbing it. Shadow only stood there until Sonic looked up to him again.

"When were you crying?" Sonic's ears fell at that. "What?" Shadow sighed and rolled his eyes before lifting a hand to Sonic's face and pointing to his wet cheeks. "Crying, when were you crying?" He growled.

[Sonic's POV]

My ears fell back more. I was completely uncomfortable with how close Shadow's hand was to my head. Gulping I raised the same hand back to my head and turned my gaze down to my pillow.

Shadow just ended up grabbing my face and forcing me to look him in the eye. "Tell me now hedgehog" he growled.

Taking a deep breath and whimpering softly I took the hand that was on my head down to his trying to pry it off. "No..." I stated looking down. Shadow's grip just tightened. "Is it because of me?" He asked softly making me look back up to him. Surprisingly his eyes were soft and actually showed worry.

I felt my ears fall again. "No its..." "Its what?" I looked down again my hand still placed over his. "Did you hear the storm last night?" Shadow nodded in response.

"Well..." My grip on his hand tightened. "You know how I don't like water..." Shadow huffed "You weren't outside at night were you?"

I shook my head "No!". Sighing I continued "Well.. I have sensitive hearing as well and...the thunder was hurting my ears and I felt like the water could of slipped in through the roof..."

[Normal POV]

Shadow whipped his thumbs over Sonic's tear filled cheeks and sighed. While he did that Sonic jumped and let go of Shadow's hand as he looked up into Shadow's crimson eyes again, blushing. The ebony hedgehog let go of one of Sonic's cheeks just to put it behind Sonic's ear and start to rub it. "Why didn't you tell anyone you had that problem? I bet you Tail's would of made something for you.." He stated.

Sonic sighed and rubbed his left arm. "Well yeah...but I felt like I would of been a baby if I told anyone..." Shadow looked back down to Sonic as he stopped rubbing the shorter hedgehog's ear. "Baby? Far from it." He growled only to make Sonic flinch back out of reflex. "Sorry..." Shadow apologized before letting go of Sonic and backing up before sitting down onto the bed right next to him. "All I was trying to say was you wouldn't be a baby if you told anyone that.". Sonic was still rubbing his arm as he pinned his ears back to his head.

Shadow looked back to the hedgehog beside him. "You don't have to keep everything to you're self." He stated before getting off the bed. "By the way, everyone is already up, come down if you want to eat." He said before leaving the room.

Sonic let out a deep exhale once he knew that the ebony hedgehog was gone. Letting his arms fall to his side before he got out of the bed. The day had already started off weird for him. And he already knew that it would just get weirder.

[Shadow's POV]

I walked back down the stairs and seen as the others looked to me in worry. Amy was the first to speak up first. "Is he alright?..." I only nodded.

Walking over to the table once again and pulling out my chair as I sat down in it. Sticks looked over "What took you so long?" I looked up to her before answering.

"He just slept in and it took me a while to wake him up. He should be down here any minute if he wants to eat." Tails looked to Sticks then over to me. "That's weird, he normally is always the first to get up..." Knuckles nodded in response. "That's true."

I only shrugged "He may of had a nightmare in the middle of the night and didn't get much sleep." He stated with a emotionless face. Knuckles nodded bringing and hand to his face. "That could be..."

Amy sighed and shook her head. "No matter now." She said before getting up and pushing her chair in and walking out of the room. Tails getting up and taking his plate into his hands before following after her.

The steps creaked and I looked over to see Sonic smiling. Wait what? Smiling? He was shaking like crazy earlier how is he smiling now!?

I gave a small growl as I crossed my arms over my chest. Sonic came prancing over and sitting down were his plate that held cold food was. "Morning!" He purred which sounded forced. Defiantly forced, but I guess no one but me noticed. "Morning bro," Knuckles answered before standing up and taking his plate to the other room. "Yo!" Stick's said loudly, and I swear I seen Sonic flinch back.

I wouldn't be surprised she was loud, but I did feel bad seeing that Sonic had said he had sensitive ears. Though the hero tried making it look like he didn't flinch back and started to laugh giving a larger smile. I didn't even notice I was staring at him until green eyes met my crimson ones. "I didn't get to say it earlier, but thankes for waking me up Shadz."

"No problem..." I growled as I looked back down to my plate ears twitching.

"What are you trying to get at hedgehog?..."

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