March 11, 2019

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I'm going to start my complaint with first things first I don't fucking care who reads this shit and you have no right to judge me since all of us here are just mere trashes that God can kill anytime so if you didn't like this, get the fucking hell out of here alright.........okay so the first thing that pissed me off is at this morning my mom said that I don't have common sense yeah call me crazy the hell I care and the second thing that ruined my day is that fucking MJ Nobleza saying that I don't have manners and that I am sadistic or something come on is that all what you get to back stab me with and for the record I heard every fucking thing she said that bitch you see all that I did a while ago is that I threw my fucking pen to a guy in our class named James Fajarillo (I don't know if that's correct) so what if I threw that pen what the does she fucking care and how dare she talk to people about me and say fucking things to them so after that they continued to talk and talk spreading rumors and gossips about me again and this isn't just about me everyone that they don't find to their liking........I just hate people like that I fuck hate them on second thought I hate this world, I humans even myself..............ugh!! Just remembering what happened a while ago gives me that fucking feeling that you want to kill someone you see sometimes I don't take jokes as the way other people take it and that is why sometimes I don't laugh with them if I knew it's too much and again I remembered that shit saying that "you will be startled that I will just throw something suddenly " the hell you care your not the one I threw that pen in the first place so what the biz man, what the hell is your problem...............I always say that girl have so much pride to her that she don't want to lose to anyone but I stand corrected since I too am like that but not to the extent that I am going to trample on someone just to step on them and be higher, I don't do that shit if she is greater than me then take the throne and shove it in your fucking throat, that's why when I get intimidated by their scores on the very first exams I just give up and don't care anymore................oh yeah another thing I also feel weirded out with people that talk to me because they just don't have noone to talk to or they just want to say shit about themselves then the next day or week they don't even care if you are there or you're like nothing to them and they just shove you away and I also hate people that are talking to you and when you talk to them they shut you out or doesn't listen (how shameless) that is why I talk to myself like an idiot and people around me will call me crazy or weird and a nerd (not the smart one) or perhaps not a nerd because they say that I'm not smart I'm an imbecile or what you call an illiterate the fuck you care..........I also suck in english and most probably I'm going to live alone when I grew old since I have trust issues, I don't even trust myself and also I don't trust (anyone) people one more thing because In my own perspective everyone have there own darkness in themselves including me cause we are sinners I also wish this world to meet its doom I'm sorry if I'm so hateful with each and every person in my life (/ the world) and all the people that I haven't met yet because it's the truth I hate you all guys even myself sometimes I was asking "why did I even exist just to suffer?" I don't hate God but his creations US we're much worse than the animals oh, WE are ANIMALS our selves and yeah we act much more like an ANIMAL than our pets or in the jungle..............................Sometimes we are WOLVES dressed in SHEEP'S clothing, fucking liars, double faced bitch, an ingrate, and so many worse curses which are true and we deserve it I don't see that there is hope in this world since we ourselves are worse than devils, and I don't see any good in each and everyone of us.If there are I think it's just for a show because again as I wrote we are fucking liars, we are deceivers and traitors that we fucking lie to our selves and we can't know what's real anymore...........................

My Thoughts, Dreams and What People Think of Me Also Some Prayers And COMPLAINTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora