My heart sank. Is this true they were only befriending me because of my dad's fortune. No that can't be we are all rich why would they do that?

"No that can't be true." I said while tears started to roll down my cheeks. I forcibly rubbed at my eyes for them to stop but they wouldn't. I got out my seat and ran out the classroom with my bag as the bell rang. I ran away from the classroom ignoring everyone who tried to stop me or talk to me.

I got to the school's exit and was stopped by the security guard "What are you doing here? Get to class."

"I don't care let me out of this rotten school." I said rubbing the tears away trying to seem to keep myself together.

"No you may not go." He said blocking the way with his overly sized body.

"I swear if you don't let me out I will have you get fired from this job and make sure you will never ever find another job." I snapped getting fed up with this. He looked at me worried but just stood there so I took that as an invitation to leave.

So I did.

I ran out the school, out of that sick place. How in the world haven't I noticed that no one truly cares for me. No one at all saw me as me. They only saw my dad, only his money.

I kept running and running not caring about if I got lost or something. Tears kept falling and my mind was going crazy with endless thoughts. I couldn't think right and all I can do is run, run away from reality, the harsh reality.

I wasn't looking at where I was going though, and I ran right into someone as I was turning a corner.

I feel like I have done that before? I bumped the person to the ground and I was going to just continue running away not caring. But then I heard a familiar voice call my name. "Hyugo?"

I looked at the person I brought to the ground and it was Michael. I stared at his expressionless face it was different, different from all those other people. More tears streamed out.

I dropped to my knees, dropping my pride. I looked at Michael eye to eye through all my tears. He looked shocked about my actions and I have to agree with him. If you had told me that I will drop to my knees in front of a poor person I would have sent you straight to a mental institution.

I didn't even know who I am right now.

I kept eye contact with Michael as I sniffle saying nothing. He said nothing too but, then I did the unthinkable.

I reached out to him and grabbed his shoulder and pulled myself towards him in an embrace. Why was I on him, I have no idea but, I need something to soothe my aching heart. I kept myself on his chest and squeezed his shirt but, he didn't push me away. Instead he hugged me back placing a hand on top of my head and rubbing it. That just made me cry even more into his chest.

I don't know how long I cried or even stayed on the dirty floor but, once I stopped I realized there was a group of bags surrounding us and stood up off the floor.

I rubbed my face of the tears and snot. I looked down and saw that  Michael was still on the floor looking up at me. "Get up off the floor it is dirty."

"Oh yeah ok." He said quickly gripping the reusable bags he was holding and stood up.

I stuck out my hand to help him up and he took it. I got my bag off the floor too and noticed that inside the bags Michael was carrying there were lots of  food and medical staff. "Why were you absent today?"

"Oh um, my mom is currently not feeling well so I am nursing her for the day." He said raising one of the bags, probably making sure that they weren't broken.

"Oh ok." I said not knowing what to say.

He looked me up and down expecting me to say something but I didn't understand. So he sighed and asked, "And may I ask you why you aren't in school?" He said after a long silence.

"Long story. But can I ask you one thing before I answer yours." I said raising one finger up.

He looked at the time on his cheap watch and nodded, "Sure but make this quick I have to cook my mom lunch and give her her prescriptions." He said

"Who am I?" I asked in all seriousness.

"What" He said thinking he misheard something.

I waved for him to hurry up, "Just answer the question. Who am I?" I said

"You are Hyugo?" He said it more like a question, then a statement.

"Nothing else?" I raised my eyebrow.

He shrugged, "Um I don't know, you are a student of Timption high school and we have a neighboring desk. What else am I supposed to say?" He said when I was giving him a blank look.

"Are you blind you missed the key part that makes me me," I exclaimed

"What is it?" He said like he couldn't think of anything, or figure out what I was hinting at.

I groaned rolling my head backward as I looked back at Michael, "I am the son of the biggest media improvement company." I said like it was the most obvious thing, which it really was.

"Why do you have to say that? Yes you are his son but, why do you have to mention that." He said not getting what I'm trying to say.

"No way. Why aren't you amazed why don't you treat me nicely?" I said

"Cause I don't see the point in treating someone nice, if they don't give me a good reason too." He simply said like it was common knowledge.

My grip on my bag tightened as I listened to what he was saying, "So you're saying you don't care about my money, my wealth," I questioned

He shook his head, "No why should I?"

"Because you are poor! You need the money!! So why won't you be nice to me and I will give you money!!" I said pulling out my wallet. I was losing it and I know I really didn't mean any of this. I can't accept what he is saying, I can't accept that he is different from the others, I can't do that or else I will really...

"Can you shut up. You are really irritating me. I don't want your money." He said shoving my hand away from him.

I looked up at him again and I couldn't hold it anymore. I yelled at him, "Why you? The one person with the least money. Doesn't care about my wealth!!!"

"Hyugo I think I am starting to understand what is going on. So can you come over to my place and we can talk more about it?" He said looking down at me.

Money vs. Love (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now