Chapter 50: Bathing this Capital with blessings (shady plans)!

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He might try to downplay it after such a sigh with his wry smile and the casual rubbing of his neck but...he looks tired, truly tired.

Much, much different from the energetic man that fought almost daily with Kris.

And even then, those bags under his eyes show me that he is even more devoted to his job than in the past.

"So please, can you tell her to stop bathing us with killing intent? She is starting to scare the newbies..."

"...I-I'm not scared! It's just that...I-I don't want to be near her...that's all!"

"Ye-yeah, what he said..."

Of course, they are referring to Gabrielle...

She always surprises me with her ability to release such a heavy killing intent while maintaining that smile of hers.

"My, did you not know that pointing at someone is considered bad manners?"

And there she goes emitting even more killing intent...

If this continues it might cause a misunderstanding.

"Haa...Gabrielle, stand down. I empathize with you, but Mr. Paladin here just explained the situation. There is no need to take that kind of stance against them, even more since we are going to start working together. Remember, our actions not only affect our Master, but also Her."

"Indeed, I apologize."

With that Gabrielle's killing intent has vanished in an instant and I can hear Julian release a sigh of relief because of it.

"But I think we should be compensated for making us worry and stand out like this. Do you not think so too, Head Maid Eresh?"

"That is certainly true."

Our original plan for the day was to settle down and exchange information with her Holiness, but now that has obviously changed.

If her Holiness is taking her time with My Lord, then we shall put her paladins to good use as compensation.


Oh? To think that Julian would get startled by meeting my gaze. I wonder what he thinks it is that I will ask as compensation.

"Then please, help us with the luggage."

But alas, it is something as menial as that. Although, I hope that the smile I am wearing now helps address any other fears.

After all, I am not scary anymore.


"I see that her Holiness spared no expense in our accommodations."

The suite that has been provided to us is equivalent to an entire floor of this high-class inn.

It has enough private rooms for all of us maids and, of course, a main room for our Master.

It also has a dining hall and a living room.

And as expected, it also had expertly hidden surveillance spells, but Luca and Sophie just took care of them.

Such spells are used to acquire information on the people that make use of the room and then it is sold to an information broker.

Of course, us taking care of them will not inquire any reaction from the inn's staff. After all, if such thing were to happen, they would be admitting that they wronged their clients' rights to privacy and thus, that would sully their names in the industry.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat