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Salem's Castle, Before She Was Defeated

No One's p.o.v

As Salem fell down the large crack in the earth and her body was melting into nothing, she cut off her own head in a last attempt to survive. As her body disappeared into nothing, the head of the woman who was once the queen of Grimm rolled down, the impact knocking her unconscious. Tyrian, her only henchman that woke up after being knocked out, escaped from her castle before anyone could capture him and bring him to prison. As he was scouting the castle for any resources, he found the head of Salem. Knowing that she was not yet dead, Tyrian grabbed her head and placed it in a glass container, which he spent the next few weeks carrying and serving for while both of them wandered the earth. Salem cursed everyone who defied her that day, and plotted revenge. Little did she know, her revenge would come from the deep reaches of space.

Location ???

As Vanilla Ice and (Y/N) were embracing each other in the shattered moonlight, the stars weren't the only things that were in the sky that night. An asteroid crashed into a field a long way away from Beacon Academy. Tyrian and Salem both heard this and went to investigate. When the destruction subsided, a man with a large build stood up. He wore very little clothing and sported a dark purple hair color. Salem recognized the strength he carried was great, and also deduced that he was a warrior of chaos as well. She told Tyrian to get closer so that she could properly introduce herself.

Salem: Greetings, stranger.

The man looked at both of them, confused as to why she was missing her body.

Salem: I gained the power to be immortal unless my entire body is destroyed by a powerful technique. The technique was used against me, hence why I'm only a head.

???: Intriguing. What can you tell me about this technique if it was able to defeat someone who is supposed to be immortal?

Salem: The technique they used was called Hamon an-

At the very mention of the word, the man grew a menacing expression and spoke seriously.

???: Hamon?! The very same technique used to fight vampires?!

Salem: Such as myself, yes.

???: Was a man wearing a green scarf present during the encounter?

Salem: Yes.

???: Then I have some unfinished business to attend to.

Salem: Wait. I get the impression your not from around here, at least, not in a while.

???: Yes. For decades, I was cursed with becoming a stone that couldn't die and banished into the dark reaches of space. And behind it all, was a man with a green scarf who outsmarted me in every way possible. I must take my revenge on him.

Salem: Then you need someone to guide you through this new world. The man you speak of has a family member that was responsible for cursing me like this. Maybe we can work together to get what we both need.

The man thought for a second before nodding his head in agreement.

???: I normally just kill anyone I see as worthless, but you seem to give off a menacing vibe that tells me you like to bring chaos and destruction wherever you go. I like that.

Salem: Thanks. I get the same feeling from you. May I ask who was responsible for your downfall? Our enemies are similar, but I somehow think our main rivals are a bit different from one another.

???: I see. I'll still agree to do so. Firstly, who is your enemy?

Salem: My once was husband and leader of a school full of skilled hunters, Ozpin. And yours?

The man narrowed his eyes, furious at the very mention of his name.






???: Joseph Joestar.

<---To Be Continued In Volume 2///

(A/N): Just posted Volume 2. I'll leave an external link to it at the bottom. Thank you all so much for the 4K reads and I'll try to please you all in the next volume. And finally...

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