Chapter 4: Questions Unanswered

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Blake p.o.v

My team and I were all doing different things before we had to get ready to sleep. Ruby was stuffing cookies in her mouth while Yang told her jokes, Weiss was studying the biology of small grimm, and I was reading my book. At some point, we heard a knock on the door and Ruby went to open it.

Ruby: *opens door* (Y/N)? What are you doing here?

(Y/N): Ozpin said that I could stay here so the could research me and find ways to benefit those in need. Since you are the only people I know won't try to stab me in the back, he thought it be best if I stayed in the same room as you for the night.

Ruby: Sure! You can stay! What do you guys think?

WBY: Yeah, it's fine.

(Y/N): Thanks, I appreciate the hospitality.

He stepped inside the middle of the room.

Blake: So, (Y/N). When you and Jotaro confronted each other, 2 ghost came out and traded punches. What were they?

(Y/N): Those were called stands. They are the manifestation of a technique used against me long ago called Hamon.

Yang: Hamon? What does that do?

(Y/N): Hamon is life force energy. By using breathing techniques, the user can heal themselves when they are injured and can act as a forcefield of sorts to a degree. They were also able to use it to essentially 'burn' beings like myself and use it and even more unique ways than I am currently aware of.

Weiss: I think we have something close to that.

(Y/N): Really? How so?

Weiss: We have Aura, which kind of acts like Hamon. We can use it as a forcefield and heal ourselves when injured. Though, we can't fight with it. We have to rely on our own skills.

(Y/N): I see. This similarity might be the reason why you were able to see our stands even though, in theory, they are invisible to a normal person.

Blake: Alright, but how did you obtain a stand? And what exactly are you? No normal person should be able to brush off getting shot by Ruby's sniper rifle and you seemed to disappear when Yang and I tried to attack you from both sides?

I was genuinely curious about him. There was something about him that seem mystical and not human nor faunus. He thought a bit before speaking.

(Y/N): There are some questions of your I can't answer. If I did, I would lose what little trust you girls already have in me. What I can say is that at some point in my life, I came across a mask of stone. After studying its properties, I decided to put the mask on. Simply put, I became a vampire.

Weiss: *Scoffs* Really? A vampire? As if...

What he did next completely shocked all of us. He grabbed his left arm and ripped it out of his body. We panicked and started to grab our scrolls to call for emergency help. But (Y/N) calmly raised his hand to stop us. He then proceeded to put his arm back where it was and it slowly healed back into place. I couldn't believe it. He really was a vampire.

Yang: S-so if you're really a vampire... does that mean you'll snack on us while we sleep?!

(Y/N): Calm down, Yang. Although it's true that I can drain a person of their life force, I rarely do it. I don't actually need food to survive, but I can still enjoy eating some. The only reason why I would do it is so I can add their own strength to mine and heal myself if I am somehow critically injured.

Everyone sighed in relief. Then Ruby spoke up.

Ruby: Wait, if you really are a vampire, then why are you staying with us? I thought vampires don't sleep?

(Y/N): We don't. I just need a place to stay where no one would get scared of me. I'll just use some of the textbooks you have to learn more about this world.

Yang: You said "This world". Does that mean you are unfamiliar with Remnant?

(Y/N): That is correct. Despite my looks, I am a thousand years old.

All of our jaws dropped. A thousand years old? It makes my head spin just thinking about it...

Ruby: But what about that Jotaro? How did he know you if your so old?

(Y/N): I think you girls asked way too many questions in one day. I promise I'll answer them in time, but for now, I wish to stop answering your questions and start finding my answers about this world.

Ruby: But...but...

Weiss: He's right guys. We've bothered him enough for one day. Either way, it's time for us to turn in. We have classes tomorrow.

Ruby: Alright. Goodnight, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Night, Ruby. Night, everyone.

Time skip

(Y/N) p.o.v

The girls finally went to sleep. The questions they had for me reminded me of my past and what I used to do. I may have stopped my thirst for world domination, but I'm still as aggressive and terrifying as ever. I need to control that more. Yes, I told Ozpin that I want nothing more than to find more power to take over the world, but I only said that so that they would know that I do not mess around. I can't tarnish Jonathan's reputation my reverting back to my evil ways. He was the only man that I admired and I must carry on his legacy. And I'll start by helping his ancestor's mother...

<---To Be Continued///

(A/N): I am so sorry that this chapter was just a Q/A, but I needed to shine light on a lot of things that will be important later on. I swear this is the last time I do it again at this scale. Also, thank you so much for the 300 reads. I'll see you all in the next chapter.


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