Chapter 15: The Land Of Darkness

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2 Weeks Later

24 Days Left For Holly

No one's p.o.v

It's been 3 weeks since they started traveling by foot. Because everyone has been fighting off Grimm and the terrain is not exactly ideal, it took awhile for everyone to make any progress. Currently, they were fighting off 3 Kymera Grimm and an Ursa Major.

(A/N): A Kymera is that thing in mythology with the head of a lion and goat and the tail of the snake with dragon wings. Ursa Major is a large bear.

Weiss: Ruby! NOW!

Ruby: Right!

Ruby grabbed her weapon and turned it to sniper rifle mode and shot 5 rounds at the Kymera's lion head, forcing it to turn around and face her. It started to breath fire, but she spun her scythe and used the resulting wind to extinguish the flames. The Kymera then tried to use its snake tail to shoot Weiss with a string of venom, which she responded by dodging before stabbing the head of the snake a few times with her rapier. It screamed in pain and tried to kick her away, only for Weiss to shoot its heel with an ice blast from the tip of her weapon, freezing it into the ground. As a last attempt, its lion head stopped attacking Ruby and combined its fire breath with its venom, causing a chemical reaction to create an explosion, which Weiss and Ruby both jumped away from. Weiss caught Ruby in midair, spun her around, and threw her towards the Grimm. As she was falling down, Ruby put her weapon to scythe mode and brought it straight down on the lion head's neck, cutting it off. As Weiss was also falling down, she summoned a glyph in the shape of a large knight, which cut down onto the snake tail. The Kymera yelled in pain and tried to use its goat head to ram into the two girls, but was interrupted by a round being shot at the back of its head by Ruby, killing it. The girls sighed in relief after finally killing the Grimm.

Yang and Blake were also working together to take down a Kymera. Yang was running around the Grimm in circles, firing multiple shotgun rounds as she did.

Yang: Who would've thought we'd be facing this thing before our second year?

Blake: *Chuckles* I know I didn't! Keep circling around it! When I give the signal, you know what to do!

Yang: Right!

As Yang was firing rounds at the Grimm's torso, Blake ran alongside her, wrapping the legs of the Kymera with the ribbon attached to the hilt of her weapon. When she was done, she gave Yang the signal. Yang nodded and jumped in the air, doing a somersault, and crashing back down, slamming her fist onto the Grimm's back. With the Grimm firmly planted on the ground, Blake put her weapon back into it katana form and sliced off its tail. The Kymera roared in pain and started trying desperately to bite Blake arm with its lion head. Blake tried to find a way around it, but was also watching out for the goat head, which was also trying to ram into her. Yang kicked the back of the goat head, distracting it for a moment. This gave Blake the window she needed to slice the lion head before burying her katana into the skull of the goat head. Both girls high fived each other to celebrate their victory.

K. Ruel and N'Doul were facing off against the last Kymera. It tried to shoot K. Ruel with a fire breath, but a blast from his blunderbuss interrupted it. It then turned around and attempted to shoot a string of venom to surprise him, but K. Ruel used the second mode of his weapon to absorb the venom and shoot it back, forcing the lion and goat heads to close their eyes in defense. N'Doul used [Geb] to slice the Grimm's eyes with water, making it completely blind. The Kymera screamed in pain and started randomly attacking the air in an attempt to attack its opponents. N'Doul used this to his advantage and summoned 4 arms to grab its legs and hold it down. He then summoned a spear of water that pierced the goat head from its jaw to the top of its skull. The Kymera broke free from the 4 arms and used its dragon wings to fly up and shoot fire and venom everywhere. K. Ruel used his shield to absorb the attacks before jumping to the Grimm's level and releasing the stored up kinetic energy to its torso, slamming it back onto the ground. While in the air, he threw the crown on top of his head toward the snake tail. The crown turned into a sharp projectile before slicing through the tail and returning to its user in a similar manner as a boomerang. N'Doul used [Geb] to crush the lion head's skull, finishing the Kymera.

K. Ruel: Huh. We make a pretty good team!

N'Doul: I agree.

A large Ursa Major roared down at (Y/N) and trying to make him feel fear. (Y/N) showed no signs of wavering, only staring back at the large Grimm. It backed up a bit, realizing that it wasn't fighting a normal man. Before it could make an attempt to attack, (Y/N) jumped up and sliced its head off with one quick swipe from his hand. As he landed, (Y/N) looked at his friends.

(Y/N): Are you sure none of you wished for my assistance? I could've easily helped you all.

Yang: That's nice, but we're ok. If we just let you fight for us, how do you expect us to face off against Salem?

(Y/N): Fair point.

Ozpin: Although that is very clever of you, I don't wish to see you do so. Remember, our mission is to just find the black liquid and take it back so we could create a cure for Holly. I only brought all of you together so that we could have a chance of going in and out unscathed.

(Y/N): Right. Speaking of Holly, how are we going to accomplish this?

Ozpin: What do you mean?

(Y/N): We only have 24 days to complete this task, not to mention that we still have to run all the way back once we get the black liquid.

Ozpin: It will be close, but I think that if we can accomplish this task tomorrow, we will have enough time to come back to the Bullhead and return to Beacon.

Vanilla Ice: How do you know we can make it by tomorrow?

Ozpin: I can feel her presence. It's getting stronger.

With that, everyone built up camp and got ready for the day that awaited them.

The Next Day

23 Days Left For Holly

Everyone got up, ate breakfast, picked up camp, and continued on their journey. As they were walking, they felt a shiver down their spines. The air felt deathly ill, almost in the same manner as when team RWBY first encountered (Y/N) back in his castle. The sky grew dark and the ground became more broken and rigid.

K. Ruel: Hey, do you guys feel that?

Ruby: Yeah, it almost feels like...

Vanilla Ice: Death.

As everyone continued on the dangerous terrain, they saw something towards the inside of a large crater. As they jumped down to get a better look at what they were looking at, they were met with a castle almost as big as Beacon Academy. The castle seemed to loom over them, showing off all the designs that gave it a menacing look.

Ozpin: This is it. We're here.

Everyone but (Y/N) were shocked and stared at the castle again, taking in the view that stood before them.

Yang: Then this is where Salem is.

Ozpin: Yes. This is her castle. Before we begin, I must warn all of you. When we enter, we will split up to try and find the pools of black liquid. Team RWBY will take the right while Vanilla Ice, N'Doul, K. Ruel, and myself take the left. (Y/N) will check the top since he is the most powerful of all of us. And no killing Salem's minions. Am I clear?

Everyone: Yes.

(Y/N): *In thought* Salem. I don't care what Ozpin says. I'll find you and finally get my revenge. Not just for Vanilla Ice, not just for my friends, but for my mother. And I won't stop until you are defeated.

After fighting for so long, they finally made it. After making so many allies and rivals throughout their adventures, their journey is finally almost over. (Y/N)'s quest to save a mother and living relative of Jonathan Joestar has finally reached its climax.

Our heroes have finally reached Salem's Castle, located in The Land Of Darkness.

<---To Be Continued///

(A/N): I'm excited to write these last few chapters. I want them to not include my author notes, so I'll just say everything right here. Thanks for the 58 votes, the 2.1 k reader, and for just taking the time off your day to read this. I'll see you all on the last chapter and again, thanks for supporting me.


The Man Who Ruled [THE WORLD]  (Male Dio Brando Reader x RWBY)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora