25. Eve

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Three days, at least I think that how long we have been here, it's all become a jumble of sensations for me and my angels and I loved it all, I love them all.
I putter into the kitchen and Mike pulls me down onto his lap at the table, kissing my neck and breathing me in. "Morning baby" he greets as I steal his cup of coffee.
I lean back against him comfortable in his arms now, my nerves and worries a thing of the past, they had thoroughly explored my body and I had done the same to them, with each brother happily prompting me on how to make another beg for my touch, I hadn't sat on my own since we came here, each meal sitting on one of their laps, usually only clad in one of their shirts and nothing else, which in turn usually led to me ending up on the table as I became their dessert.
Lo strolled in and leant in to kiss me before dropping into his seat, I looked at him, he seemed tense "what wrong?" I asked chewing my lip worriedly.
"Mom sent me a message, your parents have arrived and want to see you" he growled, looking worried at passing the message on "okay, but why are you worried?" I knew they weren't scared of my parents and would step in to protect me if they thought it was needed. Lo sighs and looks at me, pulling my hand up to his lips and kissing my pulse point "I'm scared they will take you away from me, from us, you know they will not approve of our relationship, they don't approve of mom and the dads but will not say it as they're so well connected", I can't lose you"
"We can't lose you baby, but do you want to see them" Gabe asked as he sat in the chair opposite.
"You won't lose me, I don't care what they say, I love you, all of you, it's not wrong, it's perfect for me" I look at the relief on their faces "but" I feel Mike tense under me "I have to go back and see them, to hear what they have to say" "we will be with you the whole way baby" Mike whispered, holding me tight as I contemplated what I needed to do.

Lo phoned the house to let them know we were heading back and came back to the table to tell us my parents gone headed into town to see their solicitor about the house but would be back at lunchtime, we had a couple of hours reprieve, I smiled softly at my angels morose faces and slipped off Mikes lap, I could feel their eyes on me as I slowly undid the four buttons that held Gabes shirt closed over my body, the last button undone, I allowed the material to slide slowly down off my shoulders to the floor before smiling at them and turning and running. I laughed as chairs scraped on the floor and I heard feet racing after me before strong arms caught me up and held me against a warm body "caught you baby, you were naughty running away from us, I think we need to punish you" Lo growled and I shivered in response, I felt Mikes hand caress my ass cheeks and tensed waiting for the smack, pouting over my shoulder at him when nothing came, he smiled at me "naughty girls don't get what they want, they get what they're given" he teased.
"Two hours, you only have two hours " I reminded them as Lo dropped me down on the bed and they stood looking down at me.
"Don't worry baby, we'll make sure you feel every second" Gabe promised.
We were late, it was well past lunchtime when we got back to the granary, I had insisted on stopping to change my clothes first, wanting to be clean and tidy before I face my parents. The granary was silent and empty, "the girls are at the house" Mike told me, picking up a note of the kitchen table and handing it to me, there in big letters Jo had written
'be yourself, you are beautiful'
'we will see you up at the house.xx'
I grabbed Mikes hand, "I was wrong, I don't need to change" I told him softly before sliding the note into my pocket and we went back to where the others waited for us.
Lo parked by the back door and we sat there in silence for a few minutes, until I opened my door and got out waiting for them to join me. Mike turned me to face him and Gabe and Lo stood each side of him, and I gasped as they all dropped to one knee in front of me, "we love you Eve and although we wanted to plan this better, be more romantic we want to ask this before you face your parents, we want you to be our wife, we don't care who you marry on paper, for us it will be all of us, you can chose or we can for you but we want to spend the rest of our lives making your dreams come true, so Eve Carstairs owner of our hearts, will you marry us?" Mike asked and they all nodded, waiting for my response. I held out my arms to them, tears falling silently as I cried "yes, yes, yes" and I was back in their arms where I belonged.
"We have a ring for you, but it's upstairs, we can get it now or after, your choice baby" Gabe said lifting me off my feet and holding me close.
"Later, we're already late, let's get this over with, then we can celebrate"
Mike takes my hand leading me through the kitchen, we could hear raised voices as we made our way through to the reception rooms, Mike gave my hand a squeeze before releasing it and stepping protectively in front of me, as Gabe and Lo's each took my hands, and we stood in the door way waiting for my parents to notice us, my body partly hidden by Mikes.
Papa Luc noticed us first, rapidly followed by the rest of the Rose family who were all there, including the younger triplets.
My parents realising attention had shifted turned to look at the door, my mothers anger written clearly for all to see. My hands shook in theirs as I felt my angels tense around me "why are you here?" I asked, Mike stepping aside so I could clearly see and be seen, I watched their eyes dip to my hands and my mothers mouth tightened, but it was the slight tilt to my fathers mouth that gave me pause "why are you here?" I asked again in the silence.
"To check you were recovered after the incident at the house" my mother said, her eyes still locked on our hands.
"Thank you, I am getting there, my family has helped me" I can hear the indrawn breaths around us at my words but it's the truth, The Roses are more my family than my parents had ever been and since I said yes to my angels, I'm going to claim them all.
"Your family, how dare you" my mother stepped forward livid.
Mike tensed and stepped in front of me but the short laugh from my father made us all freeze
"Eve is correct, you have been a wonderful family to her and I am sorry it's taken her being hurt for me to realise how we have failed" he looked at me "I'm sorry child, I know your mother and I have not always been there for you, but I am glad you have others who have been. Are you happy?"
I nodded "yes, this is my home and where my heart is"
My mother splutters in rage, turning to my father "what are you doing, this will sully our name, how will this look"
"Enough!" He snapped at her and she blinked surprised but stayed silent.
"Eve, I am proud of you and I wish you everything you desire" he looked around the room "I think that it's time we left, but I hope you can forgive us for failing you and in your time...if you want to I, no we, would welcome seeing you and your family in our new home"
"Father..." I started croakily but he shook his head and smiled at me "only if you want to my child, never again because you feel you have to"
Gabes arm came round me as silent tears fell, my father thanked and shook hands with the Papa's and Mama Rose before coming towards us, my mother silent and confused by his side.
My father hesitated next to us and looked torn as to what to do but settled for a quick pat on my shoulder and a nod for my angels "look after her" he said eyeing each of them. "Always" they replied together as I watched my parents leave the room.

Lo swung me up into his arms and spun us round "you're ours baby" he crowed, making our watching family laugh.

Mike cleared his throat as we stopped spinning, "we have an announcement to make.....She said YES!" and our family surrounded us, offering congratulations and hugs.

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now