21. Eve

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I feel shocked, what did Papa Hades just say to my father, I wish I had the guts to stand up for myself like that, but I had always known my duty to my parents, even if I didn't want to do something, if they told me I would do it and I think back over the last few weeks, not once had my parents done or said anything that put me first or even made me feel loved above their jobs.  I look at the family surrounding me and feel the love from them all, their protection and care and I know I am home here. "Thank you" I tell Papa Hades and he nods knowingly.
Even the triplets who had gone out before we came down I knew loved me like family and I loved all of them.

My eyes scan right and i'm caught in Lo's gaze and I shiver at the depth of emotion I can see in them, heat, passion, love, I know they have told me they are interested but now I can see it, I don't understand why they want me, but I don't care anymore, I want them too, yesterdays incident showed me how fragile life can be and I want to experience it all....with them.
Lo's eyebrow raises in question and I blush fiercely knowing my emotions must be all over my face.

Papa Luc's raised voice reminds us of the doorbell and Papa Hades, Lo and Mike rush for the door warning us to stay put, Mama Rose had picked up the phone and was calling down to the office where Papa Daemon was briefing a team, Gabe had got up and closed the door effectively blocking the sound and keeping us safe. "Mom sit down, the dads will deal with whatever is happening, Charlie pop the kettle on, we'll have a coffee while we are waiting".  
"Yes Sir" Charlie laughs jumping up and saluting Gabe, who scowls at her.
I smile as Mama Rose plops down in Mikes seat and hugs me "get used to them issuing orders, the males in this family are all very bossy, it will be your turn next" she whispers shaking her head at her son.  "I hope so" I whisper back to her smiling.

20 minutes later Papa Daemon came through the back door with two of his security team "Girls, you all need to go down to the granary, John and James will go with you" he instructed "you too Eva" he cut into Mama Rose's protest. "Gabe I need you with me, the police are on their way, its Paul Williams, he's upset about his son arrest and has had a bit to drink". Mama Rose started to protest again but Papa Deamon silenced her with a look and a growled "Now" so she backed down. Gabe came over and kissed me softly, "Stay safe and we will be down to get you soon" I nodded unable to form any words as I watched him follow his dad out the door.

"Come on girls, we better get moving" Mama Rose directed as John opened the door and ushered us out.   Mama Rose muttering "it's a good thing the boys are out". Once we were home I paced the living room, John and James took up positions at the front and rear of the house and the girls chattered away a little excited at what was happening, I shared a glance with Mama Rose and she shook her head slightly, patting the seat next to her for me to come and sit "its more that they let on, isn't it?" I asked quietly, so not to spook the girls. she searched my face before replying "I think so, if it was just a drunk man, they could have easily overpowered him" I could see my fear reflected back from her eyes "you have to think positively Eve, don't start down the what if pathway, it only causes you stress, believe in your angels as I believe in my devils"
I smile at her "do you mind, that they..they want me?" she clasps my hand "Eve you are perfect for my boys and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter, not that I didn't consider you one already, but I know you will make my boys happy and they will also do the same for you, they have waited for you, they told us when you were 18 they were interested and they have waited for you to be ready, are you ready?" she asked. I thought about her question "yes, but I'm scared, I don't understand why me, I have no experience, no clue" I trail off at her low laugh. "Do you love them?" She asks and I nod "you are so like I was, just believe in them and enjoy, they will look after you, or else both your sisters and I will deal with them and as to why you, its because you are a beautiful person, inside and out, you care, you're considerate and warm , funny and have always fit in with our family, we all love you Eve, its time for you to love yourself" she pulls me into a hug at her words and I give in to the feel of a mothers hug.

I feel the sofa bounce as the girls surround us, Jo's voice shouting "group hug" as we all squash together smiling.
A discrete cough at the door makes us all jump and giggle "Ma'am, the situation up at the house has been resolved and Mr Rose has informed me the Police have arrived to interview Miss Carstairs, he is suggesting sending them down here to do that while they finish off at the house"
"Thank you John, I think that would be a good idea as we are here now, can you let them know, whilst we get set up" Mama Rose wriggles to her feet and helps pull us all upright "we can use the office or in here" I offer, nerves kicking in. Mama Rose considers the options "the Office may be best, but we can move or stop any time you feel uncomfortable" I nod leading the way as Jo says she'll bring them in when they get there.
"Come in" Mama Rose calls when Jo knocks "This is PC Green and Detective Inspector Newgent" she introduces before leaving us in the room. "please sit" I offer "can I get you anything to drink?"
"No thank you Miss Carstairs, Miss Rose has already offered" Detective Newgent replies sitting down facing me "I know this is distressing for you but the sooner we can take the statement, the sooner we can move forward" I watch as the detective puts a recorder on the desk and turn it on. "this conversation will be recorded and drafted and a copy sent out for you to sign, this statement is taken in the presence of DI Simon Newgent, PC Ernest Green and Mrs Evangeline Rose, please can you confirm your name for the tape and then we will go through last nights events and any questions that may arise"
"Eve Carstairs" I said shakily and gripping Mama Roses hand I replayed yesterdays events, from the 6am call from my mother to the memory of fighting back the hands that held me.
Mama Rose sat with me throughout the interview, my hand in hers, I got upset when the bruises on my body were discussed and Mama Rose firmly called a halt to that line of questioning, stating we would send photographic evidence , witnessed by our female doctor if needed, they had a copy of the hospital record for what the doctor there had seen, she reminded them, so there was no need to distress me further. The reminder they were dealing with a victim of an attack seemed to be needed as the questioning went on, both seemed to be unimpressed I hadn't noticed anything out of place until they jumped me and then I hadn't seen their faces all I could tell there was two of them and they were both male.
Eventually they ran out of questions and it was with relief we said goodbye, the inspector promising to have the transcribed statement delivered to me for signing before the end of the day. Mama Rose escorting them to the front door.
I jumped slightly as warm arms circled me and pulled me back into a strong body "ssh its only me, I didn't mean to scare you" Mike soothed holding me tight "are you okay?" I twisted round to look up at his face "yes, its done now, though from the way they were, I don't hold out much hope of them catching anyone". Mike turns me in his arms so we are face to face "as long as your safe" he tells me softly leaning down to kiss my lips gently. I smile up at him nervously "i'm always safe when you are around" I say blushing as he leans in to kiss me again.
"We didn't get to feed you last night, will you come with me now" Mike asks looking down into my face his hand coming up to cup the back of my neck, his strong fingers caressing.
"Just you?" I query wondering where Gabe and Lo were.
"No, all of us, just you and us" his soft voice stirring the fine hairs on my neck as he whispered in my ear.
My eyes glazed as tingles shot through my body "yes please" I thought, only to realise as he laughed, that I had said it aloud.
A quiet cough from the door made me jump away from him "Go Eve, have fun, I will tell the girls you are safe" Mama Rose said smiling fondly at us, before Mike grabbed my hand and dragged me from the room calling "Thanks Mom" over his shoulder.

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें