22. Gabriel

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What the hell, I followed Dad towards the front of the house, worried about the girls I was leaving behind me, I could hear Dad Luc trying to reason with Williams and his angry responses. But before we were in sight Dad put out his hand up to silently stop me, he carefully checked around the corner and shook his head "he's armed, he has them covered and they can't get to him without risk of him shooting someone first" he peeked around the corner again before motioning to move back.

"Do you have your phone in your pocket?" he asked and I nodded "Right, the front door is not closed, I am going to go round and see if I can get behind him to disarm him, when i'm ready i'm going to call you, turn your ring tone up loud, I need him distracted this way, don't be seen and keep listening, just be ready once we have him, the police are on their way but we can't wait given how unstable he sounds" he squeezes my shoulder and I nod at him "be safe" I tell him and he smiles "you too son" and he's gone, moving silently back out through the house, I move closer to the corner and listen waiting for his signal and hoping we it all goes to plan.

I can hear Williams pacing his voice getting more agitated as he's not hearing what he wants to, I count down the time I expect it to take Dad to get round the house without being seen and am ready when my phone blasts out in my hand, the noise loud in the echoey corridor and shouting erupts in the front hall, my heart skips a beat when a shot is fired and I rush forward towards my family.  Williams is laying face down on the floor, crying in rage as Dad Daemon uses zip ties to secure his hands behind his back, my gaze scans my brothers and dads and I sigh in relief when I can see no blood "you all okay?" I ask them moving froward to hug each of them.

"Where's Eve?" Mike asks urgently looking around.  "Dad sent mom and the girls all down to the granary so they are safe, John and James are with them" his face loses the panicked look and Lo looks relieved as well.  We watch as the dads help Williams to his feet and take him into the study, Dad Luc returning with an evidence bag and carefully putting the gun inside, we hear cars coming to a fast stop on the gravel and Dad Luc smiled "as usual better late than never, Boys can you show the police into the study and join us there" we nod as he walks away from us as the doorbell clangs.
Having shown the Police into the study they arrest Mr Williams and send him off to the station before questioning each of us, Dad Daemon handed over the gun and Dad Luc promised to come down to the station later with a copy of the entrance hall surveillance tape and to answer any other questions, we were lucky the officer in charge knew the dads and had worked with them before, so was easier to deal with, than the police had been last night, as we were showing them out another Police car parked, and PC Green and DI Newgent approached cautiously.
Dad Hades pulled his phone out of his pocket and walked away while Dad Luc outlined what had just happened and when Dad Hades returned he gave them directions to find Eve at the granary.
We wanted to be with Eve and we glared at Dad who shook his head minutely, "I need you boys here to finish up, I need to know what was said to Williams after his son was arrested, John and James will stay down there till the police leave so don't worry, the girls are all safe."

We all followed back into the study and went over what had happened in London and Williams belief that his son was innocent, that we had got it wrong, his confrontation in the office before we left. I shuddered when I thought that Eve could have been caught up in the situation and my mind went wild with what if situations "Dad?" my heart raced as I worried about our work affecting Eve's safety "how do we keep her safe?" I heard my brothers indrawn breath at my question and knew they would be now worrying as well "How?" I repeat looking at them through worried eyes."what if he had come to the back door, Mom, Eve, the girls would have all been caught up in this, he wanted to hurt us, what if he had seen us out with Eve and tried to take her, she's already been attacked this week, What if..."
"GABE! Stop" Dad Hades came round the desk and knelt in front of me, his hands on my shoulders as I shook "you cannot think like that, its self destructive to all of you, you cannot think what if, that's no way to be, what happened today was unfortunate, it was not your fault and no one could have predicted what Williams was going to do" "Do you love Eve?" he questioned "yes" I growl angry at him questioning that. "Then that's all you need, your love will keep her safe, your love will make her feel secure, your love will ensure you don't put her in danger"
"But...." he cuts me off "Can you imagine a life without her?" he looked at all of us, Mike and Lo both listening to my fears and dads words "can you let her go?"
"She's ours"
We all shout our replies at the same time and I feel the fear recede, we love her, she loves us.
"We can't let her go, she's our heart" Mike tells the dads.
"Then you better go and tell her" Dad Daemon tells us smiling as we all scramble from our seats rushing to be first out of the room.

"How are we going to do this? I ask looking at them "we don't want the girls poking their noses in"
Mike smiled " I have an idea................

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now