15. Eve

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I lay against Gabriel and listened to his heartbeat, not allowing my mind to go to what the doctor had suggested, I could mentally feel every single finger mark on my body but the reality was a dull ache, I shivered refocusing on his heartbeat.
When he had held me in the ambulance and told me I was his fiancée I for a moment wanted to grab his words as reality but after what the doctor said, how could I be good enough for him. "Stop thinking and relax" Gabe growled pulling me tighter into his side, his hand brushing over my head.
"As soon as Lo and Mike get here we'll get out of here and take you home" he whispered to me and I settled against him, knowing he would look after me.
I must have fallen asleep as it took a while for the raised voices in the room to register.
"You cannot be in here" the nurse was telling them.
"Look lady, I know you have a job to do but we are taking her home now, there is nothing you can do for her here and she wants to leave" Mike argued.
"Sir, Miss Carstairs has not informed us of this and the doctor has not released her" the nurse continued "if you won't leave I will have to call security" she threatened.
"No!" I croaked grabbing onto Gabe and pulling myself upright.
The nurse rushed forward but Lo stopped her.
"Eve, it's okay, we're not going anywhere without you" Gabe soothed.
"I want to go home" I croaked out to the nurse, looking at her.
"But Miss..."
"I want to go home" I repeated more firmly.
Lo turned to face her, blocking her from my sight "you heard her, now let's get this sorted, so we can take her home" he indicated the door and with a huff of annoyance she left the room followed by Lo who closed the door behind him.
Mike stepped up next to the bed and his hand cupped my cheek "hey beautiful, how you doing" he asked softly.
A tear tracked down the side of my face at his question but I couldn't form the words to answer him.
"Hey, it's okay" he saw my struggle. "Just hang in there till we get you out of here"
"Lets go" Lo growled coming back into the room, papers in hand but looking pissed off.
Gabe lifted me up into his arms and Mike pulled the blanket off the bed "we'll return it later" he muttered wrapping it around me before he grabbed my pile of clothes from the side and we left the room.
The nurse was hovering in the background a pinched look on her face but I didn't care, they were taking me home, I would be safe there.
I hung on tight to Gabe conscious of the looks as we made our way out of the hospital to the car. I buried my head in the blanket and his chest trying to keep calm.
Lo opened the door and Gabe climbed into the car without letting me go and I realised how tense his body was, "Gabe, I'm okay" I whispered looking up at him.
His arms wrapped tighter around me in a hug as he let out a big sigh before sliding me onto the seat next to him and buckling the seatbelt, his hand then seeking mine in the blanket and holding it gently whilst his thumb stroked across my fluttering pulse in my wrist.
"Ready?" Lo asked looking back over his shoulder at us.
"Lets go home" Gabe agreed.
The silence in the car was soothing, I felt calm and safe with them around me and allowed myself once more to sleep.

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now