4. Eve

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I had relaxed a lot by the time we turned into passed by the main gatehouse, the estate was beautiful in the Sunshine and I felt like I was coming home at last. I put the thoughts of my parents behind me and Jo and I after stopping at the market to get groceries, spent the journey planning what we would do with the office so we could all work from home where possible.
Jo finally took the road to the castle, pulling round to the back entrance where her mom appeared before we had got our doors open.
"Girls, welcome home" she pulled us into hugs, tutting me when I tried to pull back to let Jo have her mom.
"Let's go have tea while we wait for the others to arrive, Emme called and their about an hour away, did you get everything you want from the market?"
"Yes we did, Where's the dads?" Jo asked her happily.
"Training, they'll be back at dinner and the boys are in town, but will be back soon, so we'll be able to catch up a little before they get home"

We had caught up and were relaxed when the sound of vehicles had Mom rushing to the door to hug Emme and Charlie, I stayed at the table my nerves suddenly getting the better of me.
The girls joined us but it was the three men who took up position against the island that held my attention.
Micheal, Angelo and Gabriel, I stared at them before blushing and ducking my head, missing the looks the rest of the family shared over my head.
"Did you have a good journey?" Gabe asked and I listened as Jo told them about our visit to the market and our plans for the office.
"If you need any help, just tell us what to do" Mike told us, making the girls laugh "Eve will be pleased, she's going to do the set up, she's far more organised than us" Emme joked.
"No it's okay, I'm sure It will be fine, there's not a lot to do, but thank you for the offer" I smile at Mike, trying to get out of them helping me, the thought of telling them what to do making my senses tingle.
"Eve, we will help you" Lo said firmly staring at me
I shivered at his tone "yes sir" I whisper breaking the stare and looking back at the table.
In the silence of the room after my words I can feel the stares and my face burns red with embarrassment, until Mom clapped her hands, breaking the silence "Come on girls, let's get you unloaded so you can get settled in"

Her Angels (The Roses, Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now