Chapter 15

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I'm sorry it's been so long guys. I've not been in a good place recently but I've met a special someone and he genuinely is the best thing to happen to me. I love his smile, his hair, his body, and most importantly, his personality. He cheers me up so much and I couldn't ask for anything more

Stay awesome guys xxx

Alixe's POV:

It's been a week since I woke up and a week since... The news...

I refused to speak to anyone. The only person I wanted to waste my breath on was the man I love. Ricky. " Chris" I whispered. He looked up with hope in his tear filled eyes. " how" he knew what I was asking. " he was taken by Brandon and was bitten through the heart" I nodded and cried more. My last memory of him and me together was us fighting. I started crying again as I nodded my head.


I was classed as emotionally unstable and could not be left unattended under any circumstances. I was also released from the hospital.

Today, Devin was looking after me and he was gonna take me to see SWS just like I asked. I was currently doing my makeup and he was standing behind me. " Ali-" Devin started. " no one is to call me that" I said sharply. Ricky used to call me that.. " anyway, I don't think it's a good idea we go to see SWS..." I sighed and turned round to look at him. " I'm going. You can either come with me or let me go on my own" he sighed and hugged me which I returned.

We got to Kellin's bus and as I went to knock on the door, it opened. I walked in first to see torn sofas and bedding, split wood and broken or damaged objects all over the place. " what happened?" I whispered to myself. " dog brawl. The stench is unreal" Devin said scrunching up his nose. " that's mutts for you" he said. Just then, Kellin stepped out of a room with dried blood all over him. " I'll have you know, we were play fighting" he growled snarling at Devin. " sure you were princess" he said with sarcasm. " watch what you say blood sucker" Kellin growled back. " ENOUGH!" I yelled. " Devin, wait back at the bus" he shook his head. " I can't leave you" I shook my head. " no, you can't leave me unattended" he rolled his eyes and shook his head. " I'm not leaving you with a dog" he said with disgust. " I am NOT a dog" Kellin growled and got ready to pounce. So did Devin. " I swear to god, if either of you pounce I will ruin you" I said with a glare. They both stood up properly and looked at me. " Devin please," I said and watched as he nodded and left. " Kellin tell me what happened" he sighed and nodded. "Hang on" he said as he went out of the room. When he came back, he was a wolf. He came closer to me and I backed up to the wall. He continued walking to me slowly and stood right in front of me. He put his nose on the floor and looked up at me. I guess he couldn't talk in wolf form. And I guess he wanted me to sit down. I did so and sat cross legged in front of Kellin. I slumped foreword, but he grunted which made me jump and sit up straight. He stood on the floor space were my feet were crossed, and before I could protest, he sat himself down on my lap. " Kellin why are you doing this?" I said a little terrified.

After a few minutes, I started to stroke Kellin's soft fur. " you're a beautiful wolf" I said and rested my head on his nose. He licked my chin and I laughed. " can you be my dog?" He growled and got off my lap. I stood up as he continued to growl and back away from me. " Kellin," I said and walked towards him. He snarled and growled more. " I-I don't understand..." I said with confusion in my voice. Then it clicked. " I didn't mean to call you a dog... I'm sorry" I said. He growled one more time and then came towards me. He nudged my hand and licked it. " I'm sorry" I whispered and burst into tears.

I sat with my back against the wall of the bus. Kellin whined and licked my face. " you need to tell me what happened" I said calming down.

He turned away and made some sort of nest out of the ripped duvet then he disappeared and came back as a human. " I didn't mean to call you a dog... I just want to keep you forever" I said and played with his hair. He nodded and hugged me. " you're okay" I nodded and sat in the nest with him. " Brandon challenged my authority and tried to claim pack leader so we fought for it. That's all. I won of course. As for Ricky? He disappeared before Brandon and I fought and brandon hasn't left my side" I nodded and cuddled up to the warm guy. " please help me. I need to work out what has happened to Ricky..." He sighed and held me closer. " all I can do is be here for you" I nodded and cuddled up to Kellin.

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