Chapter #1: New Opportunity

Start from the beginning

I laughed and aloud the two dogs to lick my face until I couldn't breath I picked up Tater and carried him onto the couch, I lied down and took in a deep breath Tater Tot laying peacefully on my stomach. Basil jumped up onto me pushing the air out of me. I gasped then started to laugh as she layed her head between my legs. I watched the T.V. but started to fall asleep, I wasn't able to keep my eyes open so I did end up falling asleep. When I woke up all the pressure that was on my chest was gone, I opened my eyes slightly and saw Axel and Tater Tot fighting.

Axel Hissed and murred (A/N Murring is a mixture of a meow and a purr but cats will do it when mad kind of like a groan. I'm the only one who calls it murring though 😅) warning Tater Tot to stay away but he didn't listen, he was trying to play with Axel his tail wagging aggressively his paws down and butt up in a playful position. He did jump side to side once and a while until Axel swatted at him at first Axel missed, Tater Tot still though they were playing around until Axel actually clawed him in the eye. Tater jumped back and whimpered that was the moment he realised that Axel wasn't playing around, but before Tater could make his first move Axel lunged himself at Tater Tot and bit his neck.

It was ok I already knew that Axel couldn't bite threw the mane Tater Tot had. Tater Tot broke out of Axel's grip and jumped onto Axel biting his throat and shaking his head angrily, I sat up and growled my ears going back "Alright you two thats enough!" I said sternly, defusing the fight. Tater Tot let go of Axel and looked at me happily his tail once again wagging, Axel ran and hid in the kitchen where Basil popped her head out of. I sighed and sat up "I better start getting packed" I stood up, stretched and looked around.

Basil came up to me and whimpered her ears down and tongue tucked a little more in her mouth "There's no food is there?" her ears perked back up, her tongue stuck out fully and her tail wagged, I sighed limping into the kitchen. I grabbed the dog food and filled Basil's bowl, I looked at Tater Tots bowl and to my surprise Basil didn't eat it, she normally does eat Tater Tots food when she has none left maybe she has learned a lesson from last time.

"I need to start packing. I think I can sell the furniture but keep my main needed things like Basil, Tater Tots and Axels toys, food and beds. My clothes, sheets and blankets. My toys and that sounds bout it" I nodded "I've gotta go get some boxes" I hid my ears and tail and grabbed the animals leashes "Axel, Basil, Tater Tot. C'mon we're going out" As soon as Basil heard 'Going out' her tail wagged and she ran to me showing me her bandana collar so I could put her leash on, Tater grabbed his harness and ran to me.

Tater Tot doesn't always wear his harness since he's young and small so it's often uncomfortable for him when not going for a walk. His harness is dark blue with bones as the clips (seen in the boyfriends girlfriends scenarios) I put it on him and attached the leash to the harness "Axel get your butt over here now" I sighed angrily, After getting Tater Tot Axel hates going on walks not just because of the other dog but because he gets trampled twice as much as he did before. "Axel! I'll allow you to ride on my shoulder!" After the word 'ride' Axel came out of hiding and trotted up to me meowing "Good boy" I put on his leash and helped him onto my shoulder.

"Ok let's go" I opened the door, locked it behing me and as soon as I turned around some people were there "Hey mutt lover" There was three teens two males and a female, all humans "For your information Tater Tots the only mutt here- wait..." I growled "Just because my friend was a werewolf doesn't mean I love mutts!" "Tater Tot" the taller male bursted out laughing "What's your other dogs name? English muffin?" the shorter male laughed along "And let me guess, your cats name is Cheese whiz?" the other male continued, the female looked very uncomfortable like she didn't want to be with them.

"Are you ok ma'am? Are these brutes annoying you?" "Hm...? N-No... well uh..... m-maybe just a little bit..." "Oh shut it Blossom, you know you love us" "Not when your being like this Jaydon" Blossom. She has light gray hair with light pink tips and a magenta streak was in her hair, she had a blossom flower in her ear she had a half hoodie that was pink and gray and she wore some gray shorts and a white collar with a bell on it. She had two different colour eyes one pink and the other a lighter pink which was rare in a hu- I saw swaying behind Blossom. She had a tail, that's why she was so bothered about these two saying these things, she's a werewolf.

"You guys don't even know what a mutt means do you?" I asked annoyed "Yea it's a slang for stupid" Jaydon replied crossing his arms "Yea, but it's also a dog mixed with many breeds" I tried to push passed the people it didn't work. "Where do you think your going old man?" "... D-Did you just call me old?" I laughed "I'm 22 and how old are you guys?" "They're 16, I'm 15" Blossom said quickly "Blossom shut it!" the shorter male turned around "Jordan let the guy threw, there's no need to cause any trouble" Blossom begged "Hmpf... Fine. Let the guy threw Jordan." "Fine." the two moved out of my way and allowed me threw.

Once I got out of the apartment I walked to a store and got a few boxes then went back home, I ended up having to carry all the boxes, Axel and Tater Tot since he got tired. I unlocked the door to my apartment and went inside closing the door behind me, I unleashed the three and took Tater Tots harness off of him. "You guys stay out of trouble while I pack, ok?" I walked into my room carrying one box and started to stuff that box with my clothes, I neatly folded my shirts, hoddies, sweaters, pants and shorts than put them into the box. I repeated that until two big boxes were full of my clothes.

Next I decided to do the pets stuff. I grabbed Axel's red bed, Basil's yellow bed, Tater Tots cyan bed and put them into the box, I then emptied the water and food bowls then put them into the same box, I ended up stuffing the rest of the pet stuff into that one box since I had room. The next thing I decided to pack was my toys, I grabbed my special red squeaky ball and tossed it into the box along with my stuffed narwhal Tommy and my stuffed fox Sly. of course I still had room so I shoved a few pillows and small blankets in along with my toys.

Afterwards I packed up the rest of my stuff and looked around the house "Everything I'll need is packed... All I have to do is sell my furniture now" It was starting to get dark so. I decided to sleep, I jumped onto the couch and turned on the T.V. Slowly falling asleep to the sounds of a stranger talking.

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