f o u r t e e n

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Obviously my first thought when Jacob started singing was "Damn his voice is hotter than I remember." And then it occurred to me that he was singing one of my songs. Oh dear.

And I started singing it with him.

After all these months of letting him wonder whose CD he found, I opened myself up to him. I wanted him to know. We'd already been through so much that I didn't want any deceit between us.

I knew he recognized my voice, and he wondered how I knew the song. He just seemed confused.

When he came back the next day, I requested another song. This time it was suburbia.

The third day, I sang to him, alone. It was terrifying, but I had to get the point across. His eyes lit up as he recognized the words to his favorite song.

". . . Kiss me on the mouth and set me free . . ."

". . . but please don't bite . . ." Jacob finished, standing up to look down at me.

"You . . . ?" he asked, bewildered.

I hadn't planned on getting this far in the conversation, so I just squeaked out a tiny, "hi."

Jacob backed away a teensy little bit, barely enough to be noticed. But it was. He didn't look happy.

He looked betrayed.

"Hey," I said, easing myself out of bed and planting myself in front of him. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing," he stuttered, averting his eyes.

"Jacob?" I placed one small hand in the crook of his neck, tilting my head and resisting the urge to plant my lips there.

He leaned slightly into my touch. "It's . . . why didn't you tell me?"


"I dunno," I responded honestly. "I've seen you around, listening to my music, and I didn't want to ruin the mystery of it all. I was scared you wouldn't like it once you knew who sang it."

Jacob's features loosened as he took in what I said.

"Okay," he responded, bringing his face a few millimeters closer to mine.

"Okay," I repeated, unsure what to do.

He looked at me, directly in my eyes, directly into my soul. "You're so beautiful," he rasped out, making me shiver. I came a few more inches closer as he gaze raked over my body.

"Jacob, I-" My eyelids fluttered shut as his breath puffed over my cheeks.

I gave into the temptation, and our lips met for the briefest of seconds.

Our lips had just parted when the door flew open, revealing my parents.

[ a/n: tronnor is OVER and tracob is THRIVING and the secret is OUT we are all so HAPPY but will it last??? xx kay ]

Please Don't Bite 🌹 tracobМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя