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I was sitting in the library, listening to some music. Even though, hello, it's a library, I couldn't help but hum a few of the notes. Tyler kept elbowing me, saying, "shhhhh" as loud as he could. I just rolled my eyes and kept humming.

Every now and then, I threw a quick glance over my shoulder, making sure no one was looking at my laptop screen, hiding the fanfic I was reading.

It's not my fault I'm hooked! It's all Connor's fault, really. If he would've just payed attention instead to me instead of reading on that damn phone, none of it would've happened.

I wouldn't have snatched the phone away. And I wouldn't have unknowingly discovered one of his secrets.

In my defense, what was more interesting than me? Nothing. I'm amazing.

I looked at the screen, holding it out of reach from a flailing Connor, who was desperately trying to get it back.

While holding it, I read an extremely explicit paragraph, which I'm not going to go into detail about right now. 

"What the fuck is this?" I laughed, choking on my gum.

Connor snatched the phone back, blushing like a madman. "Just, you know . . ."

I sat down, mildly uncomfortable with what I had just read, but kind of turned on.

"I-i mean, yeah, I read it because . . . I just like it, okay?" Connor was still sputtering, trying to explain what his best friend had just caught him reading.

I just slipped my hand down my pants, adjusting . . . things, and used my other hand to wave him off. "It's alright, man. We all have secrets." I winked, making him blush even more.

So, yeah. That explains it all, right?

Back to the present.

I kept reading, mumbling along with the words of the song. ". . . kiss me . . . set me free . . .please don't bite . . ."

Tyler elbowed me once again, trying to get me to be quiet.

"Dude, would you shut the fuck up? We're in a library, we have to be quiet."

I reached over, tousling his fluorescent pink hair. "Don't pretend you care about rules. Let's get out of here."

We gathered our books, stuffing them haphazardly into our backpacks. Tyler picked up his skateboard, a smile on his face. "Wanna?"

"You know it." I yanked out my earbuds and followed him out to the quad, where we could skate as long as we wanted.

[ a/n: did you like it? i feel like it could've been longer, but i write super short chapters most of the time. let me know how i did in the comments! xx kay ]

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