f i v e

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A venture into Jacob's thoughts:

Oh my God.

He bleached his hair.

It's blonde.

So I obviously have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

Calm down.


Anyways, I feel weird. Like, really weird.

Troye's hair is pretty.

I like it.

But I don't want to like it!

Listen to me, I sound like a five year old.

Why am I talking to myself?

Why am I asking myself why I'm talking to myself?

God, he's gorgeous.

But, NO.

This can't happen.


He's not like me.

For starters, he paints his nails!

That's weird.


Ugh, I'm so confused.

He looks so good today.

And his hair is curly, more than usual.

His shirt is kinda tight.

I'm about to lose it.

Gotta stop thinking.

Gotta stop looking.


[ a/n: lol well that was awkward as hell! anygays . . . THANK YOU FOR ALMOST 100 READS??? like, that's a lot? i'm gonna go cry now? i love you xx kay ]

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