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I looked down at my phone, waiting for a reply.


My message had been sitting there, delivered, for at least thirty minutes. When you gave someone your number, got theirs, and then texted them, they were supposed to answer. Immediately.


While I was ranting in my head about being morally right, my phone buzzed on my knee, startling me.

Troye: hi

I smiled to myself, not even considering leaving him on read to torture him, like some people do.

Me: didn't see you today

Troye: that's because i wasn't here

Me: where were you

Troye: woah, slow down there tiger

Me: sorry

Troye: it's fine, we just aren't good friends yet

Me: how long will it take for that to happen

Troye: like i said, slow down a little. enjoy it while you can

Me: i feel like you're talking about something else

Troye: maybe i am

Troye: gotta go bye

Me: bye

I slid my phone into my back pocket and sighed, sliding onto the ground. 

What was he up to, I wondered.

Why doesn't he like me?

[ a/n: yeah ik i like it when jacob is the one pining for troye okay?? and ALSO! 130 reads! is a lot! i love y'all so much. stay safe and happy. xx kay ]

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