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I can't believe that just happened!

Jacob Bixenman walked up to me in class and told me he liked my hair!

After James got back the other day, I showed him the box and he smirked knowingly.

"You can't hide these things from me," he said, hands on his hips.

So, we did it!

Woah. That sounded dirty. We dyed my hair! Yeah, that's what I meant.

I was walking in the hallways, getting all sorts of weird looks from people. At first, I didn't know why, then I realized, hello, I dyed my hair blonde. Of course people were going to stare.

I hurried to class and sat down in the back, fidgeting with my shirtsleeves. The attention was nice, I guess, but it made me so uncomfortable! I wanted to hide underneath my desk, curled up in a ball.

I had to be brave, though, didn't I? No one wants to be friends with a loser. Well, except for James and Hari. And Benny. They're friends with a loser. Me. I never did anything right. I always dressed wrong and thought wrong and liked the wrong gender.

Hari and James were like me, but they weren't losers. No. Hari flaunted it, and became who she knew she was, and James has a ton of fans behind him, supporting his videos. Benny didn't care what anyone thought. I'd give anything to be like him. 

I only have them. No one knows me.

Now they do.

"Dude, isn't he that guy? James's roommate?" I heard one girl ask.

"Yes, yes! That's Troy, I think. He's kind of cute." Another girl responded.

Too bad, ladies. I don't swing that way.

While everyone was gossiping, I did what I do best. I was completely silent, avoiding everyone's gaze.

That is, until he walked in.

"Guys, would you just shut up? Why's a little bit of hair dye such a big deal? Mind your own business."

He stuck up for me. I'm ShOoK.

I instantly looked up, meeting his warm, brown eyes. He smiled, cocking his head to the side a bit, looking adorable. "Thank you," I mouthed quietly, thankful no one was looking at me.

Another heart melting smile. "You're welcome," he mouthed back, walking over to me to sit in the desk beside me.

My eyes widened involuntarily, and my heart sped up. I looked away, trying to calm myself down so he wouldn't notice how freaked out I was.

Thanks to my peripheral vision, I could see him frantically scribbling something on a small piece of paper. He leaned over, sliding it onto my desk, and sat back up, acting like nothing ever happened.

I picked up the folded piece of paper and looked at it, unsure if I wanted to open it or not. Jacob tapped his finger on my desk and I looked over at him, blushing. He mimed opening the piece of paper, smiled, and looked back up at the front of the room.

I opened it, heart racing, and saw a jumble of numbers. At first, my brain confused some of the numbers, but eventually I realized what it meant.

It was his phone number.

I smiled, folding it back up and tucking it into my pocket.

Jacob saw my reaction and smiled again, for like the five hundredth time today! How was I making him so happy? I didn't understand.

I heard a rip, and looked over to see him writing on yet another piece of paper.

He tossed it on my desk this time, and it bounced off onto the floor.

Fighting the urge to roll my eyes (who was I?), I picked it up and opened it, completely shocked.

I really like your hair xx Jacob

My heart was racing, palms were sweating, eyes were wide. He liked my hair!

I picked a pen out of my backpack and tried to formulate a response. When I finally settled on a decent, not creepy one, I began to write.

Words made up of glittery blue ink flowed out, covering the page.

Thanks. I like your shoes – Troye

He received it, and before I knew it, the paper was back on my desk.

What, no xx's for me? xx Jacob

We barely know each other *eye roll*  T

Fine, I'll stop – J

You don't have to stop – T

Fine, I wont stop xx J

Okay, gotta pay attention now – T

Fine xx J

[ a/n: he used the word fine so many times i'm fucking cringing but hello!!!! tracob action! jacob likes his hair! *squeals everywhere* stay safe babies xx kay ]

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