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Traitor: Jacob

Traitor: please

Traitor: it's not what you think

Traitor: don't shut me out

Traitor: talk to me please

Traitor: Jacob???

Traitor: if you answer, I'll explain

Traitor: . . . okay, I get it

Traitor: fine

Traitor: see you never

Traitor: bitch

Jacob: YOU call ME a bitch when you're the one whoring around with other guys? okay sure

Traitor: I wasn't *whoring* around, he was my ex

Jacob: was?

Traitor: we're dating again . . .

Jacob: you can't do this troye

Traitor: what, we can't be friends?

Jacob: you don't understand

Jacob: I don't want to be friends with you

Jacob: I never did

Traitor: fine!

Jacob: fine

Traitor: you're a dick for playing with people's hearts

Jacob: am I??? it must be opposite day because I'm pretty sure you were the one making out with one of my best friends

Jacob: I just thought . . .

Traitor: thought what?

Jacob: nothing, troye

Jacob: goodbye

Traitor: bye, bitchenman

I shut my phone off, curling up in a ball on my bed.

Tears came, and they didn't stop for a while. 

[ a/n: i really don't know why i do this to myself . . . please don't kill me for the tronnor ahahskdkasldl xx kay ]

Please Don't Bite 🌹 tracobWhere stories live. Discover now