t w e l v e

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Darkness. I opened my eyes, and shut them just as quickly.

Everything hurt. My head was pounding, bruises that were just beginning to form were throbbing.

I brought my hand up to my lip, and tasted blood.


I went to stand up and something pulled tight around my ankles and wrists. Handcuffs.

Are you fucking serious?

I pulled on the ropes tying the handcuffs to the floor and nothing happened. That's what I get for being weak and depending on other people.

Suddenly, the light flickered and revealed a person standing in the room.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

His voice was quiet, but it still shrieked into my ears.

I screamed. Everything hurt so much.

He walked over to me, every footstep echoing in my head. Then, his cold hand slid over my mouth. "Hush princess, wouldn't want anyone to hear." A chuckle. "Not that anyone can hear."

Since I couldn't move, I stopped to evaluate the situation.

And then I bit him.

Quick as lightning the other hand struck my face, sending me sideways, pulled tight against my restraints.

I tried to lunge at him but couldn't, so I spat blood on his shoes, furious at my inability to defend myself.

He backed away, knowing I wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

"Woah there, princess. Take it down a notch. You should be thanking me."

He walked over and flicked the light on, and my suspicions were confirmed. I involuntarily gasped anyways, because I didn't want them to be true.

It's not like I had much time to be surprised, anyways. I blacked out again as soon as the metal bat came in contact with the back of my head.


[ a/n: okay I feel really bad for this but this is my mind okay hang in there xx kay ]

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