"How I'm not even a slightest bit surprised?" Ever chuckled standing up as well.

They waited until quick steps came closer, flash of pink and black ran past them, stopped and came back.

"I found you guys!" Natsu smiled. "Where's the enemy? I'm all fired up! I wanna fight too!" he announced looking around like just any second an enemy might bolt out somewhere.

"Relax, we already took care of everything", Ever huffed. "There's nothing left to fight with."

"Whaat?! That's no fair!" Natsu yelled frustrated.

"Bickslow, Evergreen!" Happy shouted with a smile, when the blue-white exceed caught up with them. "You are okay!"

"Of course we are, we're the Thunder Legion", Ever stated swishing her tangled hair back and took out her broken fan. "What did you expect?"

"Where's Laxus and Freed?" Natsu asked confused. "They didn't get knocked out, did they?"

"Like hell that would happen", Bickslow snorted with a grin. "They're just sleeping."

"Oh, then we should go wake them up", Natsu said.

"Better not do that, baby. There is a tiny little... Problem with Laxus."

"Huh?" the fire dragon slayer wondered and they heard more steps coming closer. Erza, Wendy, Carla and Lucy appeared right behind the corner.

"Is everything okay?" Erza asked immediately. "Is there any danger around?"

"No", Ever huffed lifting her nose and looked at the other direction. "No-one messes with the Thunder Legion."

"This looks bad", Wendy said worried taking a look at Bickslow's arm. "Evergreen, are you alright?"

"Nothing that I can't handle", Ever said haughtily.

"Let me just check on you, just in case", Wendy smiled. Of course Ever wouldn't show any weakness in front of them especially since Erza was here, she had learned that much.

"Please go fetch others too since there is no enemies around anymore", Erza said to Happy.

"But it's raining there", he complained.

"Then you better leave right away so you can return back here quicker."

"Aye..." Happy sighed, flying back outside.

Ever and Bickslow sat down again as Wendy mended their wounds. Soon others joined them with Happy and Bickslow flinched when a pair of dark purple eyes shoot daggers towards him.

"Bickslow, you idiot and the biggest asshole ever!" Cana shouted angrily, her brown hair dripping water.

"Ohh, you just finally got yourself a new middle name and surname", Ever chuckled to the seith mage.

"Hey baby", Bickslow smiled, though he was sweating.

"Don't you 'hey baby' me, you mindless cross-dressed wanna be knight!" Cana shouted shaking Bickslow by his collar. "Why did you ran off like that?!"

"We had to go after Laxus and find Freed", the seith mage quickly explained. "I'm sorry baby, we didn't have time to wait."

"Cana, please calm down, he's injured", Wendy piped up worried.

"Just a second", Cana growled, shook Bickslow a little bit more rigorously and finally let go of him. "Alright, I guess I'm satisfied now", she tisked crossing her arms and Wendy could return back to mending Bickslow who seemed a little bit ruffled up.

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