Chapter 22 - Atmosphere

Start from the beginning

"Autobots? Friends?" Sparkplug asked.

"Yes uncle Sparkplug! Please, listen to him!" Vaughan begged.

".....Spike? Vaughan?.... What's wrong?" Sparkplug asked them.

"Uncle Sparkplug!" Vaughan exclaimed as she hugged him.

He must have fought back against the power of the microchip. So much in fact that it blocked out the chips mind controlling waves completely.

"Feeling better dad?" Spike asked with a smile as Vaughan moved away from the hug.

"I-- I think so son." Sparkplug smiled.

But then Sparkplug started screaming again, clutching his head with his hands as he lowere his upper body towards the ground. 

"He's going at it again." Vaughan spoke with fear.

"Out of my way!" Sparkplug growled.

"Dad!" Spike yelled in shock.

Sparkplug stepped forward, grabbing Spike's shirt by the collar and yanking him towards him. "Don't call me that."

"Put him down!" Vaughan yelled as she tried to free Spike from Sparkplug's grip. But using his arms, Sparkplug tossed both his son and his niece to the side, bothing crashing to the ground for a second time today. Vaughan pretty sure that her brusies had bruises after that.

"Not again." Sparkplug muttered as he walked away.

"It's no use! Not matter what we try, the feedback from the mircoship keeps coming back to him." said Spike.

"We can't give it up Spike. Your dad would do the same for us if we were in his shoes." Vaughan replied with a groan, rubbing her backside.

Followed by Vaughan's groaning of the pain she received, she heard another sound. Like something vibrating. She looked up into the sky to see one, then two streaks of light fly up into the sky, and the end points ran into each other. 

"This is it!" Vaughan thought aloud. "This was the new space bridge Ratchet and the others were talking about."

But where was the third one? Vaughan remembered that in the picture she saw from Teletraan-1, that there needed to be three poles in order for the space bridge to work. She spotted the empty one not too far away, where Optimus was in a throwdown with Megatron. Optimus was desperatly trying to pull the Decepticon leader away from the computer console where the light had to be activated. But then to her surprise, they stopped fighting, and then they started... talking?

"What the heck is going on up there?" She asked no one in particular. 

Disbite the pain in her back and along her side, she pushed herself up from the ground and ran over there, determined to figure out what was going on, even if it mean't ignoring her cousin as he called out to her, but only temporarily. Once she was close enough, she caught on their little conversation. 

"Cybertron's destruction? But Earth still has many inhabitants! But so does Cybertron.... and many are friends." said Optimus.

"Then make a choice, Optimus Prime!" Megatron ordered as he pointed at the console. 

As Optimus slowly made his way towards it, Vaughan jumped up, pulling herself up as she climbed up onto the platform. "Optimus don't! I know it's your home planet, but please don't do this!"

"Silence human!" Megatron screamed. 

It was only then when Optimus stopped walking and turned around to face the young human. 

"You may have friends on Cybertron, and I respect that very much. But you also have friends here! You've got me, Spike, Sparkplug, and Chip!" She reminded. "There's got to be another way to help out Cybertron. But this way isn't. We've seen the feedback and damage a regular space bridge can cause to the surface. Imagine what is even bigger one will do!"

"But-- I--" Optimus looked as if he was deep in thought. He didn't know what to choose. 

"Do you want to be responsible for the death of Cybertron?!" Megatron spat. 

That really struck a nerve to Optimus. Both he and Vaughan couldn't believe what they had just heard come from his mouth. 

"What did you just say?!" Vaughan asked with anger. "If anyone is to blame, it's you!"

".... Very well.... Megatron." Optimus answered slowly. 

"WHAT?!" Vaughan yelled with complete and utter shock. 

She watched as Optimus pressed a red button on the console, and the ray gun moved into position, and the beam of light was fired, crossing paths with the other rays, and forming a giant portal opening in the sky. 

A unspeakable gust of wind justs completey stormed the place. Rocks and dirt, and everything else was flying everywhere. Trees were being knocked down, and Vaughan even spotted a bridge off in the distance falling apart. 

And then up into the sky, she spotted something that was inching closer and closer down the Earth's atmosphere. It looked like a giant three dimensonal circle type object. And it was metal. 

That's when Vaughan realized....

It was a planet....

"Cybertron." She whispered. "It's Cybertron!" She yelled. 

Both Autobots and Decepticons stopped their fighting and looked up into the sky to see their home planet. 

"This is only the beginning." Megatron spoke. "Soon, all of the Earth's magnificant resources shall be mine! I have won! Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"Has Optimus saved Cybertron, only to destroy the Earth?" Vaughan thought as a strange yet powerful eletrical link between the two planets begin to form, as the planet of Cybertron inched closer and closer to the Earth.  

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